The Story of Minglan; Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight:
Hualan, Molan, Rulan, Minglan…

In the late summer and autumn, the weather in the north was not as dry and cool as in the south. The Sheng family could not help but cook some sweet soup to moisten the lungs and stop coughing. Minglan had been ill for most of the time since she arrived in this time, and this weather made her even weaker. She often coughed and wheezed, and when asked for a doctor, she couldn’t prescribe nourishing medicine. Unfortunately, Minglan disliked the taste of traditional Chinese medicine the most. She eagerly yearned for Chuanbei loquat dew and Kechuanning, and the more she thought about it, the more she resisted traditional Chinese medicine. After drinking one bowl, she would have to vomit half a bowl. She had been sick all day and had no strength. Minglan, who was once strong and had practiced self-defense skills, was really out of breath.
[Chuanbei and Kechuanning are types of modern Chinese cough medicine.]

Sheng Hong and Madam Wang carefully considered and inquired about Yuan Wenshao’s character and talent, and finally settled on him. They passed the ceremony and presented Hualan’s birth date in eight characters. Madam Wang’s idea was very magical, and they even invited a renowned monk and a capable Taoist to combine the eight characters. Each monk said they were the eight characters that had been in love for a hundred years. Sheng Hong finally relaxed his mind and looked at the incense in Madam Wang’s room, unable to help but laugh, “Madam, is this a Buddhist shrine or Taoist? Let’s be precise and aim for the worshippers to be more effective.”

Madam Wang knew that her husband was joking. “I will worship whoever works, as long as Hua’er is good, let me worship the wall and grass!”

Sheng Hong’s expression narrowed. “I know you have a kind mother’s heart,” he said. “Recently, I’ve been seeing that Ming’er is not well, you should be more careful. If you cough like this, don’t kill yourself.”

“I received a letter from Jingli yesterday stating that Uncle Zhongqin was coming to make a small decision in the next few days. Hua’er saw that I was extremely busy, so she took care of Ming’er herself.”

Sheng Hong shook his head. “What does Hua’er know as a child?” he said. “You should be more reliable in asking yourself.”

“Look at what Master said,” Madam Wang smiled. “Hua’er isn’t a child. If everything goes well, she’ll get married either at the end of next year or at the beginning of the year after. In the future, she will serve her parents-in-law and husband, and should also learn to take care of people. These days, she sent her snow pear soup and almond soup to Ming’er, and stared at her every day to make her take the medicine. If she throws up half a bowl, she has to have another. She was too scared to vomit after that.”

Sheng Hong was greatly relieved and nodded repeatedly. “Okay, that’s what sisters should be like. Hua’er has the demeanor of an elder sister, it’s very good.”

Miss Hualan was a strict person in charge, lacking warmth and authority. Whenever Minglan showed any reluctance to take medicine, she would love to lift her sleeve and personally administer it. Minglan was so scared that she sweated all over and recovered more than half of her illness. Hualan then forced her to kick a shuttlecock every day. Minglan was like a prisoner. Under the supervision of Hualan, she stood in the yard kicking a shuttlecock into the air. She had to successfully kick it thirty times a day, and the number increased by five every three days. Miss Hualan even took a booklet and made Minglan an exercise log, with a prison guard-like face, checking the records every day. It was not enough to kick one less.
[What Hualan is doing is essentially forcing Minglan to play a version of Ancient Chinese Hacky Sack.]

Hualan was a big sister type girl with a sister complex in her heart. Unfortunately, none of her siblings could meet her needs. Changbai had a mature and stable temperament, and Hualan would burn high incense without being disciplined by him. However, Rulan was stubborn and rebellious. She was at odds with Hualan and would retaliate three times if she said one more thing. Madam Wang protected her, so she couldn’t really punish Rulan. And the two from Concubine Lin’s place she doesn’t like. She never had much of a chance to show off as a big sister.

Minglan had an obedient and amiable temper, and she would do whatever is asked of her. She wasn’t stubborn even if she said a few words, but only looked timidly at you. Her big eyes flickered and occasionally appeared dazed. Hualan was very satisfied with this little sister, almost liking her more than Rulan.

Uncle Zhongqin moved very quickly and soon came to Xiaoding. Because Yuan Wenshao was older, they pointed out that they would get married by the middle of next year. Sheng Hong took out the article shelf from the imperial examination that year and wrote some vague excuses in the letter. The excuse was that his daughter was still young and can’t bear to get married so early. His words sincerely expressed his love for his daughter, and the Yuan family immediately added a lot of dowry gifts. They also hired a ceremonial official from Honglu Temple, and Sheng Hong earned enough face. He also added to the dowry, and set the wedding date for May next year. Both families were very satisfied.

Afterwards, Hualan locked herself in her courtyard to embroider her dowry gift and restrain her temper. Minglan breathed a sigh of relief. She had accumulated sixty-five kicks to the shuttlecock each day, causing her legs to cramp. Now that her prison guard was locked up, she could return to a life of eating, sleeping, and occasionally being harassed by Rulan.

The weather gradually turned cold. Spring, summer, and autumn were fine, but as soon as winter began, the difference in climate between the north and south immediately became apparent. Each house was ablaze with fires, with various colors of kangs. Minglan was from the south, and never knew that there were such warm and comfortable beds in ancient northern China. It was probably due to kicking the shuttlecock, but in such cold weather, Minglan didn’t catch a cold or get sick. However, someone else fell ill.

Old Madam Sheng was getting old and had been migrating too far from north to south, which made her somewhat uncomfortable with the environment. After autumn, she also began to cough. She had always been dignified, and the maid in the room dared not force her to take medicine and kick a shuttlecock, so the root of the disease had not stopped. As soon as winter approached, she occasionally had a low fever, which suddenly burned all over her body and nearly made her faint. The doctor came to see her and said it was very dangerous. The elderly were most afraid of this fierce cold disease, and he was afraid one might not make it if it didn’t get better, which scared Sheng Hong and his wife.

If Old Madam Sheng was gone, Sheng Hong would have to enter the mourning period of a parent, and Hualan would have to be filial. Yuan Wenshao was already twenty years old. How could he wait? Sheng Hong and his wife immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and they worked together day and night to take care of Old Madam Sheng. Each prescription needed to be carefully considered, and every bowl of medicine needed to be tasted personally, nearly making them sick. However, the appearance of this filial son and virtuous daughter-in-law had attracted praise from all the officials, nobles, and gentry in Dengzhou, which could be considered unfair.

After a few days, Old Madam Sheng finally broke her fever, regained her breath and her life. The Sheng couple dared not relax and rushed to deliver various nourishing drugs from the warehouse to Shou’an Hall. For Minglan, the most precious nourishing medicine was also traditional Chinese medicine. Its taste was not very good, and she couldn’t help but secretly sympathize with Old Madam Sheng. Two days after sympathizing, a message suddenly came from Shou’an Hall, saying that Old Madam Sheng was old and lonely, and wanted to raise a girl by her side to chat and relieve that loneliness.

As soon as the news spread, there were households that were happy and some that were worried. Let’s begin by those who are happy.

“Why did Mother ask me to go? It’s said that the old lady is surly and cold tempered, and she can’t say a few words all year round. The room is very simple and there’s nothing good in it. Besides, she doesn’t like to see you, so I can’t ask for trouble.” Molan nestled in the bed, wearing a chestnut spotted golden squirrel fur coat, and holding a horizontally arranged gold gourd wire pinched enamel stove in her hands. She was already young and elegant.

Concubine Lin looked at her daughter, both proud and worried. “Good child, how can I bear to let you suffer? But we have to make plans in the future. Have you seen the situation where your elder sister Hualan is preparing to get married? It’s really a beautiful family with hundreds of members seeking help! After a few years, you will be married, and I don’t know what kind of situation it will be.”

“What’s the situation?” Molan leaned back, her tone still so gentle. “Mother, don’t say anything more about being legitimate or concubine-born. Father has already said that he will never wrong me in the future. He will treat my elder sister like this, and he will treat me like this. Besides, you have an estate in your hands. What should I be afraid of?”

“My daughter, what do you know? Your sister Hualan is so beautiful today. Firstly, your father has a smooth official career, a good reputation, and smooth communication. Secondly, our family has some background, no less than those poor officials who have no family background. Thirdly, that Hua’er is a legitimate daughter. She has an uncle’s family who have been wearing hats for generations. How can you compare? Moreover, you are only a few months older than that Ru’er, and we may have to discuss marriage together in the future. At that time, can there be good people left for you?” Concubine Lin took the hand warmer in her daughter’s hand, opened it, and used a copper hairpin to stir the charcoal fire inside. After covering it, she handed it back.

Even though Molan had always been precocious, she couldn’t help but blush at those words. “What did you say? How old is your daughter?”

Concubine Lin held onto her daughter’s small hands, her beautiful eyebrows showing a stern expression. She said in a deep voice, “I have never regretted what happened back then. I made someone small and offended the old madam. I am not afraid of her. Your brother is a young man, and whether he is concubine-born or not, he will always receive a share of the family property. He will come from a place where he has a foothold, and I am only worried about you.”

“Mother, don’t take it to heart,” Molan said in a low voice. “Father loves me so much. Apart from Eldest Sister, those girls will never treat me unfairly in the future!”

“But it’s not much kindness!” Concubine Lin interrupted her daughter and leaned back against the large mattress of the autumn fragrant python, closing her eyes slowly and leisurely. “Now that you are seven years old, it’s time for you to know. When I was seven, your grandfather lost his family background. Since then, I haven’t lived a decent life. Your grandmother didn’t calculate and relied solely on pawns to make a living. At that time, she always sighed that she couldn’t marry into a decent family. At the beginning, they were obviously little sisters playing together. Some of them wore gold and silver for glory and wealth, while others were down and out, and even their natal family didn’t want to see them. Finally, she did one right thing before she passed away. She sent me to this Sheng household.”

The room was quiet, with only the smoked cage on the ground slowly spitting out clouds and smoke. Concubine Lin was slightly distracted and remembered the scene of her first day entering the household. Although the Sheng family had a small official position at that time, Grandfather Sheng earned a large portion of his family fortune to give to his descendants. The old man was also from the background of a flower scout, and the Sheng family was naturally dignified, with such exquisite and beautiful gardens, such utensils and belongings painted with silver and gold, and four seasons of silk, satin, feather, and yarn clothing. She never imagined in her life that there would be such a wealthy and privileged life in this world. At that time, Sheng Hong was both gentle and handsome, and she couldn’t help but think of other things.

Molan looked at her mother’s hazy and beautiful face and suddenly spoke, “Then why do you have to be a concubine? Isn’t it okay to marry outside and become a legitimate wife? It’s causing gossip everywhere, talking about you, talking about how you… willingly…”

Concubine Lin suddenly opened her eyes and looked at her brightly. Molan immediately lowered her head and was too scared to speak. She stared for a while before turning her eyes and slowly said, “You’re old enough to be sensible… The old madam is good at everything, but she always likes to talk about ‘seeking priceless treasures and having a lover.’ The saying goes, ‘poor couples are always sad.’ The old lady is a legitimate young lady from the Hou family, and she didn’t know the hardships of the poor families outside. A Lin Sheng is a month, but only six or seven dou meters and one or two guan coins. The top girl in our house has eight coins of silver per month, and that coat on your body is worth fifty or sixty yuan. Two, the silver and fine charcoal you burn in your fireplace costs two taels of silver and one pound, and with your daily food and clothing, how many Lin Sheng can afford it?”

A thin sweat welled up on Molan’s forehead. Concubine Lin smiled bitterly. “Moreover, do poor children always have good morals? At that time, one of my cousins married a poor scholar, hoping to have a bright future. However, besies being able to read two sour essays, failing in the imperial examination and failing in business, the scholar relied solely on my cousin’s guidance. She accompanied her husband through all the hardships, gave birth to children, and saved a few acres of land for him. That year, the harvest was slightly better, so he decided to take a concubine. She refused, so she was scolded every day for not being virtuous and almost was divorced. She couldn’t resist it and had to let the concubine enter, but after a few years, she was enraged to death and left behind several children to be trampled on. When the scholar first came to propose marriage, he was also full of extravagant words, full of saintly virtues, such as cherishing my cousin, harmonizing with the qin and se, and treating each other as if they were guests… bah, it’s all empty talk.”

Molan listened attentively. Concubine Lin’s voice gradually softened and she said, “A woman’s life is not just about relying on a man. A man is a coward, and even a strong woman can’t stand up. At that time, I thought, no matter how big or small he is, her husband must have outstanding character, love and talent, and be able to shelter the family from the wind and rain… With your father, although he was concubine-born, there is no need to be afraid. At least he can have a safe life to live on, and his children also have a dependence.”

The mother and daughter were speechless for a moment, and after a while, Concubine Lin laughed softly. “The old woman used to find me so-called ‘farming and reading houses.’ She herself was stubborn in poverty, so how could she buy me a decent dowry? Bah! I am also a young lady from a serious official family background. If I were to eat rice husks and swallow vegetables, what would I still be doing in the Sheng Mansion? It’s really ridiculous.”

“So, you still want me to go to the old madam’s place so she can keep me?” Molan couldn’t help but speak out.

“Silly child,” Concubine Lin had a gentle smile. “This is your father praising you! No matter how respectable I am, I am still a concubine. You were not raised by the madam. If you can stay in front of the old madam and learn some rules and etiquette, and stand out with more respect in the future, you will be higher than ordinary girls when discussing marriage. Master said that Old Madam should choose a child by herself, but in fact, when you think about it, Hualan is going to marry. Madam Wang can’t bear to part with Rulan, and Minglan is a lazy and sickly girl. Who else is left?”

Molan was both surprised and pleased by this. “Father really loves me, but… I’m afraid of Old Madam…”

“I still know the old woman,” Concubine Lin stroked her arms. “She has a noble and upright nature, and prefers to pity the weak. Although she’s a bit arrogant, she is not difficult to serve. Starting tomorrow morning, you should go to her and ask for peace and service. Remember to be careful and gentle, and make an apology and a guilty look. Don’t call me Mother outside. Sometimes, don’t hesitate to say a few words against me, have a sweet mouth, and be more agile in your movements. I wonder if she will take you because of me. Alas, it’s all because of me that I’ve caused you trouble. If you were born into Madam’s womb, you wouldn’t have to be so eager to please that old woman.”

“What did Mother say? I was born out of your flesh and blood, and what I say will not affect me.” Molan smiled and leaned into Concubine Lin’s arms. “With Mother teaching me, I can please the old madam. If I have dignity in the future, I can also let my mother enjoy some happiness.”

Concubine Lin smiled. “Good child,” she said. “When Master is promoted to a higher rank and becomes an official in the future, you may be able to marry more respectable than your elder sister. There will be great blessings waiting for you.”

The author has something to say:

Character Relationships:
Old Master Sheng (Tanhualang/finished second in the Imperial Examination) + Old Madam Sheng (Daughter of Yongyi Hou)

Sheng Hong: the concubine born, recorded in the name of his direct mother. His birth mother, Concubine Chun, is dead.

Madam Wang: Wife, daughter of an official family.

Concubine Lin: Concubine, was an orphan girl raised by Old Madam Sheng.

Eldest Daughter: Sheng Hualan, direct descendant

Eldest Son: Sheng Changbai, direct descendant

(Two daughters and one son died in the middle)

Third Son: Sheng Changfeng, born to Concubine Lin

Fourth Daughter: Sheng Molan, born to Concubine Lin

Fifth Daughter: Sheng Rulan, direct descendant

Sixth Daughter: Sheng Minglan, born to Concubine Wei, who is dead

Fourth Son: Sheng Changdong, born to Concubine Xiang, the youngest

Next Chapter: Willing, Unwilling, Willing…

One response to “The Story of Minglan; Chapter Eight”

  1. Lady Kelpi, please enlighten me.

    Why is Changdong called the FOURTH SON? As far as I know, there are only 3 sons in the Sheng family.

    Thank you.


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About Me

I am an Asian history graduate who loves to read, watch dramas, and spend time with my fur babies. I am not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, but am amazing at research which helps the translation process.

Love Like the Galaxy: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Kunning Palace: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Minglan: Sunday at 5:00 CST
