The Story of Kunning Palace; Chapter 18

Chapter Eighteen:
Study Partner

Who will mess with me?

When they returned, most people at the Lantern Festival had almost dispersed.

Yan Lin led her over to the horse and helped her up.

They left just like they came.

He no longer galloped the horse but rode freely with her, wishing the road back to the Jiang mansion could be a little longer. Just a little longer until the world was desolate, and the sea dried up with no end.

At this moment, the young man was full of sincerity. His arms held his beloved girl, sitting with him on his horse, snuggling into his arms. He was unable to think of anything else at the moment.

The intense heartbeat occupied his entire mind.

He was so longing for the days to come that he didn’t notice the silence of the woman sitting in front of him was unlike before.

The wind was a little cold.

Jiang Xuening could feel the scorching heat emanating from the chest behind her.

As she looked at the increasingly familiar road back to the Jiang mansion before her, her heart became even more confused. If she were her younger self, free from her past life’s paranoia and misunderstandings, and met a young man who would do anything for her, she would have been delighted, shy, and excited. She would be moved by his sword, his eyes, his tightly gripping her palm and tossing the cotton rose hibiscus from the wall.

But she was no longer that girl.

It was already late when they arrived at the entrance of the Jiang mansion.

Yan Lin helped her dismount the horse again and instructed her with a smile, “You need to have a good night’s sleep when you head back tonight.”

He got onto his horse after he finished speaking.

Turning his head, he saw her still standing at the door, looking at him. “Go inside,” he said. “I’ll keep an eye on you.”

Jiang Xuening quietly looked back at him and asked, “Yan Lin, you always spoil and protect me like this. Have you ever thought about it? If, one day, I don’t have you, what will it be like, and what should I do?”

Yan Lin was taken aback.

“What are you worried about?” He felt she was feeling a bit down today. “How can you not have me? I’ll always be by your side.”

Jiang Xuening felt her heart breaking. Looking at him made her feel uncomfortable, so she laughed softly. “That’s right. I’ll head in, then.”

Yan Lin nodded.

She turned around and walked through the side door that was still open for her.

Yan Lin sat on his horse, reins in hand, and watched her figure slowly fade. A wave of confusion suddenly surged through his heart.


Most of the people in the Jiang mansion were still awake, waiting for her to return.

The news of an assassin appearing in the Capital during the day had already spread. When Jiang Boyou heard that Jiang Xuening was present at the time and someone had taken her hostage, his heart almost leaped out of his chest.

Thankfully, others reported she was okay.

Later on, Yan Lin actually took this foolish little girl to the Lantern Festival. It was really frustrating.

Jiang Boyou had planned that when Jiang Xuening returned, he would give her a good scolding.

However, when he saw her when she came back, her expression was not considered good.

At the moment, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for this girl; the assassination was either because of the Prince of Pingnan or Tianjiao’s rebellion. It was not Ning Girl’s fault at all. It would be too much to be criticized.

Before she could speak, his heart softened, and he said warmly, “Recently, the Capital has been chaotic. I heard the Brocade Embroidered Guard arrested several rebels. Today, it wasn’t just Xie Ju’an who was attacked. Although you and Yan Lin are good friends, and I can rest assured when you’re with him, no one knows what could happen. Don’t go out as much during this time. Wait for peace before you go out again.”

He thought Jiang Xuening would offer a few more rebuttals.

Unexpectedly, she lowered her eyes and said, “Okay.”

She did not go out for over ten days.

The second day after being attacked, she sent someone to Xiejie Alley to tell Zhou Yinzhi to bring his name card to Yan Lin.

She didn’t inquire about the matter afterward.

Within two days, Yan Lin accompanied his father, Marquis Yongyi, to inspect the Fengtai and Tongzhou camps. He didn’t return until September twenty-first.

The same morning, news spread in the palace that Princess Leyang admired the opening ceremony of Wenhua Hall and begged the Emperor to find some reliable instructors for her, hoping she could study seriously.

The Emperor agreed and sent word to choose a companion for the princess.

In the next court session, he instructed all ministers with daughters of the same age as the princess and good character to submit their names to the palace.

This excited both the civil and military officials in the court.

Who didn’t know that Princess Leyang was favored?

And now, who accompanied the Emperor in Wenhua Hall to listen to lectures?

Not to mention how valuable the titles of ‘entered the palace’ and ‘accompanied the princess’ would be when the girl’s family arranged a marriage in the future. Just the opportunity to connect in marriage and the reputation of each family, after they were selected, was worth everyone’s effort to compete for.

As to how other families picked, Jiang Xuening didn’t know.

She only knew how her own family picked.

After Jiang Boyou returned from the palace, he told Madam Meng about the matter. “I heard that during Count Qingyuan’s banquet on the Double Ninth Festival, Princess Leyang seemed to like Ning Girl. Each family submits their candidates, and the palace will select them. In terms of character, Xuehui is more suitable. She’s calm, dignified, has a general understanding, and won’t cause trouble, but she might not necessarily be on par with the other girls. There’s a high possibility that Ning Girl will be selected if she submits her name. With her unruly nature, Ning Girl might prove even more challenging than the princess herself.”

Madam Meng frowned as soon as she heard this.

She knew that Jiang Boyou was fond of Ning Girl because of his guilt towards her and the bravery of Marquis Yongyi. However, going to the palace to accompany the princess as a study companion was a big deal. How could she rest assured when asking Jiang Xuening to go?

“Sister Ning is restless, but the palace is restrained,” she said. “She might not be willing to go.”

“I actually think Sister Hui will be more reliable,” Jiang Boyou said, glancing at her.

He wasn’t being biased. Ning’s temperament was truly worrying.

He didn’t care if she couldn’t gain some prestige; he was just afraid of her causing trouble.

However, this matter still needed to be discussed with the two sisters, so Jiang Boyou said, “Go and invite the two young ladies.”

Madam Meng suddenly felt angry and sighed. “I’m afraid Sister Ning will start arguing again and won’t give up.”


Jiang Xuening was taking a nap when she was suddenly called out. She rose from the bed, feeling grumpy but unable to do anything about it.

After freshening up, she discovered that Jiang Xuehui had arrived early.

She bowed and took her seat.

Jiang Boyou briefed them on the situation, concluding, “Right now, we have to choose a study companion, but I don’t know the specifics of what you’ll be learning or doing after you enter the palace. The princess’s companions are required to reside within the palace and know its inner workings. You have to be extremely cautious and discreet. It seems Ning Girl caught the princess’s attention. What are your thoughts?”

He fell silent.

Jiang Xuening remained still and silent.

Jiang Xuehui lowered her head and looked at the embroidered handkerchief in her hand. She recalled the person she had bumped into when she returned from the Double Ninth Festival banquet at the Duke’s mansion a few days ago. She was not the legitimate daughter of the mansion. Although she had the status of a legitimate daughter, she was in no position to fight for anything for herself in front of Jiang Xuening.

“It’s up to our parents to decide,” she whispered.

Madam Meng, however, gave Jiang Xuening a thoughtful glance. “You two are the only legitimate daughters in the mansion. It would be suitable for either of you to go. One has a calm temperament, while the princess likes the other. However, entering the palace is not easy; you will be a study companion. We don’t want you to fight for glory. We just want you to come out safely. Sister Ning has a lively personality. Although she may have Yan shizi taking care of her in the palace, the rules are strict, and he does not live within the palace, so he won’t always be around. Theoretically, it would be more appropriate for Hui’er to go.”

Jiang Xuening was expressionless as she listened.

Jiang Boyou was constantly paying attention to her expression. Upon hearing Madam Meng’s words, he felt a twinge of guilt as he realized this was unfair to his other daughter. “Of course,” he quickly added, “Ning Girl is the princess’s favorite. She wouldn’t only be studying with her. If you want to go, you should also submit your name.”

Madam Meng pursed her lips and remained silent.

Jiang Xuehui didn’t have much hope.

She was familiar with Sister Ning’s temperament. Whenever she possessed something, Sister Ning had to have something better. With the opportunity to attend the palace as a study companion, young ladies from other aristocratic families would compete for the top spot. How could Sister Ning resist such an opportunity?

However, this time, she felt a glimmer of hope.

Just a little…

Jiang Xuening sat for a while, and everyone’s gaze fell on her.

Her gaze fell on Jiang Xuehui.

Jiang Boyou and Madam Meng waited for a long time and didn’t hear her speak. They thought she was tacitly giving this opportunity to Jiang Xuehui, and for a moment, they felt as if a weight had been lifted off of their shoulders.

Madam Meng breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say, “It’s settled, then.” Jiang Xuening stood up from her seat.

The unspoken words suddenly choked in her throat.

Madam Meng’s eyes shot up.

Jiang Xuehui turned her gaze and let out a slightly bitter sigh in her heart. Of course.

Even Jiang Boyou internally shouted, ‘This is bad.’ He wondered how to deal with this matter when Ning Girl got into trouble later.

Jiang Xuening didn’t look at anyone. She lowered her eyes and bowed. “My parents are polite. Although the opportunity to enter the palace right now is rare, I know my temperament and know that I will not do well there. However, my older sister possesses dignity, virtue, and knowledge and is willing to go.

“Moreover, she has connections with the noble daughters from prestigious families in the Capital, so her entering the palace would be more appropriate. This time, let my sister go. I have no objections.”

Jiang Boyou suddenly became confused. “What did you say?”

“You—” Madam Meng couldn’t help but sit straight up.

Jiang Xuehui was also stunned. Her eyes flickered, and she felt moved. “Sister Ning…”

Jiang Xuening sighed and remembered Wanniang again. She didn’t give her any face. “Don’t think I’m trying to please anyone this time. I don’t want to enter the palace because I can’t stand the rules in the palace. If you have something I want tomorrow, I will definitely take it!”

Jiang Xuehui remained silent and just looked at her.

Jiang Xuening turned her gaze to Jiang Boyou and Madam Meng. “If there is nothing else, I’ll retire.”

Jiang Boyou and Madam Meng hadn’t expected that to be so easy.

They hadn’t reacted yet.

Hearing her words, a complex emotion arose in all their hearts. They thought she would kick up a fuss, but she ended up letting go of this great opportunity. This made all of them feel a little ashamed of their previous thoughts.

“There’s nothing else,” Jiang Boyou quickly said.

Jiang Xuening didn’t hesitate. She bowed again and then withdrew from the room.

There were only three left in the hall. Each had a different expression.

Jiang Xuehui looked at the thin figure gradually disappearing from the corridor. She smiled softly and turned to Madam Meng. “Sister Ning’s heart is actually very soft…”

Madam Meng remained silent.

Jiang Boyou sighed. He was somewhat moved. “Sister Ning is so sensible it makes me feel a little uncomfortable. She has really grown up. She understands how to empathize with us and also knows how to make things better for her sister.”

Fortunately, Jiang Xuening didn’t hear those words; otherwise, she might have laughed out loud.

Everyone thought she was giving up the great opportunity to study in the palace. They didn’t know that she had no intention of taking this opportunity at all.

She walked out of the hall, her steps lighter than usual.

Lian’er almost couldn’t keep up with her. “Miss, what is wrong with you?” she exclaimed. “This is a good opportunity to enter the palace and accompany the princess to study. So many people in the Capital won’t get in even if they sharpen their heads. You just threw it away!”

Jiang Xuening let out a snort. “I’m not fool enough to go!”

It’s more comfortable outside of the palace than in.

In the palace, every action, from walking to sitting, and even lying down, was bound by strict rules.

This wasn’t just for the study companions chosen from the households of officials and nobility but extended to the concubines serving the Emperor. They all treaded carefully, never daring to relax their vigilance.

It was only upon entering the palace did she truly grasp the hardships of palace life.

Thankfully, after she was crowned Empress, her elevated status afforded her some leeway in her actions, sparing her from the criticisms that would have been said otherwise.

But what about the study companions in her previous life?

Xiao Shu was proficient and decisive in everything. She was suffocating. Princess Leyang, who hated her out of heartbreak, seized the opportunity to find her faults and refused to let her go.

Even more terrifying was Xie Wei would teach two lessons!

In her previous life, she had no grievances or grudges against Xie Wei at the time, and he did not make things difficult for her.

If, in this lifetime, Xie Wei became a teacher, would it be the same?

Not to mention the lingering fear in the eyes of Princess Leyang before Yan Lin often entered and exited the palace…

If she were to toss herself back into that, it was because her head was too hard and life was too boring!

When Jiang Boyou and Madam Meng had asked her the question, Jiang Xuehui was also sitting there. She really didn’t want her to feel good, so she deliberately delayed responding for a long time.

The final result was somewhat unexpected, however.

They all considered themselves something of a good thing.

But that was okay. It wasn’t a bad thing.

And whether Jiang Xuehui would suffer from being a study companion in the palace?

What did that have to do with her?


After Jiang Xuening returned to her room, she picked up her ‘belongings’ and counted them again. She could only wonder that now that the matter of a study companion fell on Jiang Xuehui’s shoulders, even if she didn’t choose to go back, she wouldn’t have anything to do with entering the palace. In this way, it completely deviated from the trajectory of her previous life. She didn’t go after Shen Jie, either. She just had to find a suitable way to clarify things with Yan Lin and then wait for the matter of Marquis Yongyi’s mansion to be settled.

She did her best regardless of whether the outcome was good or bad. Then, she could return to the Tongzhou farm or even take You Fangyin and travel the world.

Why trap yourself in a corner when the scenery outside was so beautiful?

The self-calculations were already clattering.

Even though she was still a little worried about the case of Marquis Yongyi and Prince Pingnan’s rebellion, she also had a rare night’s sleep.

The next afternoon, the list of candidates in the palace came down.

When it arrived at the Jiang mansion, Jiang Boyou and Madam Meng couldn’t believe their eyes and repeatedly confirmed with the eunuch who delivered the list, “Eunuch, did you make a mistake in passing on the names? Our mansion submitted the name of the eldest young lady. How can the second young lady be on this list?”

The eunuch was unclear about the situation and could only reply, “This is what the decree said. I don’t know. They are both young ladies from your family, so it isn’t bad. After they issue the decree, you can pack some things and enter the palace. You’ll learn the palace rules first and familiarize yourself with the palace. If it really is not suitable, they will arrange for you to go home. Please prepare for the young lady.”

Jiang Boyou and Madam Meng looked at each other in dismay.

When the news reached Jiang Xuening’s residence, she was still counting her belongings in the room and preparing to exchange some of the more difficult-to-carry items for silver bills. That would make it much more convenient when she left in the future.

Lian’er ran into the room excitedly. “Miss, it’s you! It’s you!”

Jiang Xuening felt a headache when she heard her voice.

Lian’er, this girl, didn’t look before she leaped, and her thoughts were generally different from others.

If Lian’er thought something was a good thing, it must be something bad!

The small, sheep-hair brush stopped mid-stroke on the ledger. Jiang Xuening’s eyelids twitched, and she asked, “I’m what?”

“Going to the palace!” Lian’er gasped for breath. “You’re going to the palace to be a study companion!”

Jiang Xuening’s scalp tingled. She dropped the brush and stood up. “What did you say?!”

Lian’er didn’t understand the situation and thought that she was overjoyed. “The list of study companions in the palace has your name on it! Master submitted the name of Eldest Miss to the palace, but for some reason, she wasn’t picked. Instead, your name was on it. You will accompany the princess soon!”

Jiang Xuening’s mind suddenly buzzed with a wave of thoughts.

In the end, there was only one thought left behind.

Despite not submitting her name, they included hers on the final list of study companions.

The palace was an authentic Asura Field!

Who the hell was behind this?

It’s getting real, now! I’m loving that even though Xuening isn’t as harsh as she was in her previous life, she is still a bit of a nasty person.

Next Chapter: Disappointed

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About Me

I am an Asian history graduate who loves to read, watch dramas, and spend time with my fur babies. I am not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, but am amazing at research which helps the translation process.

Love Like the Galaxy: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Kunning Palace: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Minglan: Sunday at 5:00 CST
