
Hi all! First off, I’m sorry for going dark for a week or so. I’ve been extremely sick and dealing with other things that I’ve just not been able to keep up with the translations. I’ve been dealing with a chest infection that’s been hanging on for dear life, haha.

I’m not sure when the updates will start back up. I’m still slowly recovering, but I am chipping away at editing and translations. I’ll give you updates as things progress.

Thank you so much for your support and kind wishes. I am alive and on the mend. ❤ ❤ ❤

40 responses to “Update”

  1. Hi Lady Kelpi, terribly sorry to hear that you aren’t well. Chest infections really like to linger. Hope you get some rest and recover soon. Thanks for your excellent translations. They are thoughtful and super enjoyable.


  2. I have been checking daily for the latest release but also wondered if you were doing okay!  Sorry to hear about your illness!  I had the “whatever” ( as


  3. Get well soon!



  4. please get well soon 🙏 Thinking of you 🤗 ❤️


  5. Take care of yourself first, Lady Kelpi, we look forward to your return when you can!


  6. Thank you so much for letting us know.. It is very reassuring to hear that you are on the road to recovery.. Please take your time .. In the meanwhile missing your translations


  7. I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend. We miss the translations of course, but please take good care of yourself and come back to us when you can. 


  8. Thank you for the update, glad you are recovering, albeit slowly. Please look after yourself and hope you feel better soon.


  9. That’s very good to hear that you are on the mend.


  10. Happy to hear that you are feeling better. Thank you for taking the time to let us know. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  11. Take good care of your health. This is primary, I wish you safe recovery.


  12. I’m sorry you’re feeling so sick. Get well soon, and I hope that chest infection will finally let you recover. Take care of yourself and drink plenty of water😊.


  13. very glad to know that you are getting better! Best wishes and healing thoughts, dear ❤️. Don’t worry about the works, take care of yourself first 💞


    1. Missing your updates a lot, but health comes first! Hope you’re recovering well! Take care:)


  14. Get well soon🩷🩷🩷


  15. Thanks for the update, and I hope you are well on your way to getting healthy again.


  16. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Please take care of yourself there have been some nasty bugs going around, sending well wishes and prayers xxxx


  17. while I miss your translation, your health is more important. Please take the time needed to get well. Do take care of yourself!


  18. I sincerely hope that you are slowly feeling a little better every day. You have been missed!!


  19. Please take care of yourself. We will still be waiting. Your health is most important!


  20. Sending lots of love and good vibes. Get well soon🥰


  21. So great to hear from you! Health comes first, fighting!


  22. I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been feeling better! Please take your time and just focus on recovering, wishing nothing but the best for you! 💙


  23. I hope you are on the mend and is making full recovery! Chest infections can be the very devil to kick off. May you be healthy and happy for the rest of the year!


  24. ❤️ Recover soon.


  25. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re unwell, sending prayers for your health to continue to get better. Take care.


  26. i’m an avid reader of your translated works. And although I look forward to them, I sincerely hope that you get better first. And I wish you the best of health.


  27. Dear Lady Kelpi, we haven’t heard from you for a long while now and I have been worried and thinking of you. I do hope you are getting better a little everyday and will be fully on the mend soon. Take good care of yourself. With all my best wishes and positive thoughts to you.


  28. Dear Lady Kelpi,

    We are sending you well wishes for a complete recovery. Please take care!


  29. How are you doing now? It is worrying not to have heard any updates so I hope that you are recovering slowly but surely. Sending caring thoughts your way.


  30. Hope you are well, take care


  31. Hi! I sincerely hope that you are recovering completely from your maladies. I have been missing your wonderful translations. 

    Please, get well soon!




  32. Are you doing better? It has been a month since this post, I hope you are well.


  33. I hope your health is improving!


  34. How are you doing? I’ve been worried for awhile wondering if you are OK. Please update us here when able. Wishing you good health.


  35. Take all the time you need for translations but please let us know if your health has been improving! We are all worried for you.
    Wishing you all the best!


  36. hope you are doing okay. If you are able, can you let us know if you are alright?


  37. Lady Kelpi, i hope you are getting better by each day. Like fellow readers here i’m getting concern.. Hope to hear from you soon and take care of yourself i hope you have a smooth and complete recovery so theres no relapse in the future. Virtual hugs for you 🤗


  38. Hope you are getting better! We miss you!


  39. Dear Lady Kelpi, I wish you a full recovery. I’m new to your site but thoroughly admire your work with LLTG. Please come back to us.


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About Me

I am an Asian history graduate who loves to read, watch dramas, and spend time with my fur babies. I am not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, but am amazing at research which helps the translation process.

Love Like the Galaxy: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Kunning Palace: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Minglan: Sunday at 5:00 CST
