Love Like The Galaxy; Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five:
Goodbye, My Love

The soldiers holding torches around them all showed surprised expressions. Even the Liang Qiu brothers couldn’t help but have a similar reaction. Although they were Ling Buyi’s private soldiers, they weren’t aware of this detail. On the contrary, Shaoshang had figured out everything. She slowly took a step back and reached out to the nearby tree, supporting her hopeless body.

Ling Buyi looked at her sorrowfully and said, “How did you guess?”

Shaoshang pressed her palm against the rough bark and said bluntly, “No wonder you don’t want to get married. I finally understand. I’ve only been by your side for a year and was able to pick up on several things. If you got married a few years earlier, you might have been exposed to everything.”

“I don’t want to drag others down,” Ling Buyi whispered. “I thought there was another way, but there were no clues until a year ago when I found out about the old Huo members. I was pleasantly surprised, but in the end, it came to nothing.”

“There are also several military orders happening tonight, which have nothing to do with the grudges of the Huo and Ling families! What you have done, your blood is simply cold… Ling Buyi, have you said a word of truth to me?” Shaoshang’s fingertips pressed hard against the bark, hurting deeply.

Ling Yi, still pressed to the ground, began to tremble uncontrollably. He looked at Ling Buyi’s eyes, seeing they were emitting a frightening light. “You, you… Junhua…” He seemed to have thought of something and burst into tears. “A’Li, my A’Li… My poor A’Li…”

Shaoshang coldly looked at him, thinking to herself that at least the Ling family wasn’t lying about this matter. Ling Yi really loved his eldest son – the unlucky ‘real’ A’Li who died early.

“You’re still the same, Uncle,” Ling Buyi said. “When you know an enemy is attacking, the first thing you think of is to protect yourself. You deliberately arranged your defense with tighter defenses on one side and looser defenses on the other, making it look like the Ling family’s residence was in the western half, but you hid in the secret room of the eastern house, intending to escape from the tunnel later. You haven’t changed at all, Uncle. You have exhausted all of your schemes.”

Ling Yi resentfully said, “You’re not one to talk… after Junhua’s death, you pretended to be close and filial to me, deceiving me into thinking you wanted to celebrate my birthday and fulfill the filial piety duty of a son. You even said that everything in the city is watched by the Emperor, so it wasn’t good to celebrate, and was better to come here outside the city!” Speaking of this, he raised his voice in anger. “In these years, you have had many opportunities to kill me, why go through so much?!”

“Uncle doesn’t understand,” Ling Buyi said coldly. “What does your life matter? What I want is the destruction of your entire family. How could I display my power in the Capital if you were still alive?”

Ling Yi was both shocked and frightened as he shouted, “What did they do? There’s no need to kill them all!”

“You showed no hesitation back then,” Ling Buyi said. “You three brothers worked together and separately. One led the enemy into the city, the other slaughtered women, children, and killed people, and then there was also you – taking advantage of my father’s trust, waiting for an opportunity to murder him! You don’t know this, but I was hiding in my father’s secret study at the time!”

Ling Yi inhaled deeply. He originally thought Ling Buyi was young at the time and might not know the details. He wanted to plead his case, but he didn’t expect his past events would be witnessed one by one by a child. Since that was the case, it was useless to plead for anything.

“Ling Yi, why don’t you bow down and admit your guilt!” Ling Buyi sternly rebuked, taking a step forward.

Ling Yi was clever; a flash of lightning went through his mind. “Is His Majesty aware of tonight’s incident?” he blurted out.

Shaoshang was taken aback. She had only been worried about the transfer of troops but now she realized there were even greater hidden worries.

Ling Buyi paused. “I want to observe filial mourning for three years. I can’t afford to wait anymore.”

“Isn’t that right?” Ling Yi laughed heartily. “His Majesty doesn’t know about tonight’s incident!”

“Three years of filial piety mourning? Can’t wait anymore? Hahaha, that’s right, that’s not right – I once said that when Madam Cheng and Princess Yuchang give birth to children, I will bring my family back to my hometown and pay respects to my ancestors, as a way to comfort my late parents. If you want me to be a family member, you can do it on the way! Cover up your tracks and falsely claim that bandits were causing trouble, which is far better than attacking just outside of the Capital tonight!”

The middle-aged man under the torchlight seemed to have figured everything out. He laughed wildly and smugly.

“You can’t wait any longer, and it’s not because you can’t wait for the three-year mourning period. It’s because you can’t wait to see the Ling family flourish and have a long line of offspring! The newlyweds of my second and third brothers are either pregnant or have already given birth. When Princess Yuchang marries into the family, the Ling family’s descendants will also have royal blood… with more and more children and wider marriage ties, it’ll be harder for you to take action! You had to insist on taking action before filial piety. You are afraid that our Ling family’s connections will become stronger! Isn’t that right?”

Ling Buyi closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh, then opened them. The girl beside him, her face etched with confusion, caught his gaze. A sharp pain pierced his heart, extinguishing his last hope.

Ling Yi’s expression shifted, a cunning glint replacing the feigned sorrow. He adopted a heart-wrenching tone, “A’Li, when you were just a child, five or six years old, you couldn’t possibly understand. But your mother, she hated me with all her being. She hated me for changing my mind, hated me for marrying Chunyu, and she’s fabricated these malicious tales to poison your heart against me! A’Li, it’s not your fault, but don’t let her trick you into killing your own father!”

Shaoshang, confused and troubled, couldn’t grasp the reason for Ling Yi’s theatrics. But Ling Buyi’s mind was clear. With a subtle gesture, he signaled behind him. Liang Qiu Qi, without hesitation, unbuckled the White Rainbow Long Sword from his back and presented it to Ling Buyi.

With a flick of his wrist, Ling Buyi drew the sword, its silver blade slicing through the ropes that bound Ling Yi. “Stop with the charade,” he said calmly. “A’Fei, give him a sword. Ling Yi, we settle this now.”

Ling Yi, refusing the sword offered by Liang Qiu Fei, continued to weep in feigned agony.

Liang Qiu Fei, impatient, stepped forward. “Just take the sword, don’t stall…”

The brothers were the remnants of the Huo family’s clan who had died in many battles and were pacified by the Huo family. When Ling Buyi first entered the palace, he requested the Emperor to hire them as private soldiers, so he knew they would do whatever he wanted.

Ling Yi’s tears abruptly ceased. He suddenly jumped up, twisting his arm and pressing the sword from the ground against Liang Qiu Fei’s neck. “Although you are a rebellious son, I, as a father, can’t condone your actions. Hurry up and move, I want to leave…”

Before he could finish speaking, Ling Buyi’s wrist flicked out and a string of dazzling sword flowers flickered in a silver light. It was shot at Ling Yi like a startled swan, hitting his throat. Blood erupted from the wound, and Ling Yi was shocked, as if unable to believe what had just happened. His body slowly softened and he fell to the ground.

A life of cunning and deceit had turned into a lifeless pool of flesh and blood.

Shaoshang covered her mouth with both hands and stumbled back a few steps, unable to restrain herself.

Ling Buyi slowly walked to her side, a hint of moisture in his eyes, “Shaoshang, I have no way out.”

“You could have chosen a different path!” Shaoshang shouted, feeling extremely resentful. “You could have chosen many paths to take!”

“I must avenge the slaughter of my whole family. No matter how many paths I have, I can only take this one!” Ling Buyi said.

Shaoshang couldn’t stop herself from crying. “What about me? Have you ever thought about me? Since you’re willing to sacrifice your life for revenge, why did you provoke me? What does this have to do with me?! You damn bastard… Ling Buyi, have you ever said a word of truth to me?”

Ling Buyi remained silent, his eyes glistening with sorrow.

Shaoshang wiped away the tears from her face, turned around and went to leave. Ling Buyi grabbed her and gasped, “Where are you going?”

“You want to be like the orphan of Zhao, consumed by revenge, but I won’t accompany you in going mad!” Shaoshang sneered, turning her head. “Master Ling, oh, wait it’s Master Huo now. Let’s part ways here. There is no need to say farewell!”

Ling Buyi firmly grasped her arm, his handsome eyes showing a pleading expression. Shaoshang knew that he was begging her not to leave him – unfortunately, she was the most indifferent person he knew.

Shaoshang vigorously shook her hand and sneered, “You better get busy chasing down the rest of your family. Before I arrived, I had already sent someone to report your wrongdoing to the palace. His Majesty’s army will be here soon. When the Emperor’s army arrives, you might not even be able to escape, let alone deal with your uncles!”

As if to support her words, a soldier rushed over and reported, “Young Lord, there are a large number of people and horses coming from the Capital!”

Without waiting for Ling Buyi to respond, another soldier rushed from the other side. “Young Lord, the western houses have all been cleared and the women and children have been taken care of. The rest of the men were killed or surrendered. However, the two younger brothers of Marquis Chengyang took advantage of the darkness and led a group of assassins, and fled towards the cliff!”

Liang Qiu Qi knelt on one knee and spoke in a deep voice, “Young Lord, we need to leave this place. Are you going to handle those women and children as instructed?”

“What?” Shaoshang exclaimed in shock. “You’re still going to kill the Ling family’s women and children?”

“Why not?” Ling Buyi’s face was filled with murderous intent. “The Huo family has been completely wiped out, so we should fight back with teeth and blood! They’ve profited from the Huo family’s downfall and should share the same fate!”

Shaoshang grabbed him with her hand, trembling. “Don’t be like this. You are not this kind of person. Ling Yi was a monster. You are not.”

Ling Buyi stared at her for a long time. The murderous aura surrounding him slowly faded away.

“Young Lord…” Liang Qiu Fei said anxiously. “Please make a decision.”

The sound of weapons clashing, horse hooves thundering on the ground, and the cries of killing and fighting could be heard off in the distance, and were getting closer and closer.

Ling Buyi’s demeanor suddenly changed. His earlier sadness and grief vanished, replaced by a steely resolve.

He smiled at Shaoshang, “Shaoshang, are you afraid? You said you’d stand by me, and tonight, we face our fate together.”

Shaoshang couldn’t believe it and said in a sharp voice, “What are you saying? No, let go of me. I won’t go with you to die! Let go of me!”

But Shaoshang was no match for Ling Buyi. He held her in his arms with a slight pressure from both hands, and Shaoshang couldn’t move as if she was wearing an iron ring. He picked her up and carried her on his shoulder with one hand, spinning and spinning.

Shaoshang’s four maids rushed to intervene, but they were immediately knocked down by Liang Qiu Qi and the others.

Shaoshang screamed and kept hitting Ling Buyi’s shoulder and back. Ling Buyi pulled out a hemp rope from the saddle bag, tied her wrists together, and then carried the girl onto the mount. Ling Buyi’s horse, a magnificent beast with a unicorn’s belly and a tiger’s chest, its head held high, was a sight to behold. Compared to it, Shaoshang’s beloved cow-spotted horse was like a cute domestic pet.

Ling Buyi held Shaoshang tightly with his right hand and pulled on the reins with his left. The horse neighed and began to gallop, stepping on the snow with all its hooves and kicking up snow and dust. Shaoshang could hear the wind rushing by her ears, and her whole body was like riding through clouds and mist, traveling at lightning speed.

The wind was fierce and cold, scraping her skin like a sharp blade. She had nowhere to shelter and could only hide in his arms.

She longed to tear through his chest with a knife, to see the heart beating beneath his flesh. He kept treating her like she was a treasure, how could he deceive and harm her like this?

She imagined running barefoot to the mountaintops and the ocean’s edge, cry and scream all her grievances out in a deserted place, and live alone from then on; never to see anyone again. Never trust anyone again.

She was filled with hatred, and anger, and despised everything. Apart from the cold tears on her face, she was completely helpless.

Near the cliff, under the bright torches, a group of fierce-looking warriors were guarding Second and Third Uncle Ling, fighting against Ling Buyi’s soldiers while they retreated.

With the remaining rope, Ling Buyi secured Shaoshang to his chest, his grip firm and unyielding. He then freed his right hand to take off the shining red phoenix sky-gilded halberd from the saddle, shouting to kill the general.

Shaoshang tightly closed her eyes. The terrifying sounds of cursing, screaming, and the clash of gold and silver were everywhere.

The horse bucked violently, and she opened her eyes and looked up. Under the bloody moonlight, his fair face, as handsome as a heavenly god, was stained with blood, like an ancient monster with a fierce expression. She trembled like a child, shrinking into a small ball, shrouded tightly under his tall and powerful body.

The long halberd was swung out, and Third Uncle Ling was split into two pieces before he could let out a scream, blood splattering everywhere. Second Uncle Ling frantically hit his horse and fled to the cliff with the remaining guards following him.

Ling Buyi withdrew his long halberd and urged his horse to chase after him when the pursuers behind him arrived.

The leading general in golden armor looked very familiar to Shaoshang. He was the general of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. He shouted to Ling Buyi anxiously, “General Ling, don’t act rashly. No matter what happens, let’s talk it out. The Emperor will arbitrate for you! … Someone, quickly stop them!”

The other general in cyan armor coldly retorted, “Enough talk! Ling Buyi has committed the heinous crimes of patricide and raising troops unlawfully. No one can save him! Obey my orders, and if Ling Buyi refuses to surrender, you can shoot him on sight!”

The general in golden armor was furious. “What is wrong with you? When did His Majesty say he wanted Ling Buyi’s life?”

“But His Majesty didn’t say we couldn’t harm his life, either!” the general in cyan armor said. “There was a great chaos in the Six Battalions tonight, and the generals in the Pancheng and Dongtai camps thought enemies were attacking and nearly all their troops were sent out! At this point, Ling Buyi still stubbornly resisted. Is it possible that national and military law cannot be set up?” Despite his words, he hesitated to give the order.

Shaoshang, disheveled and hoarse, cried out, “Stop what you’re doing and explain to His Majesty. He is a person with a soft heart and emotional attachment. He will definitely be lenient!”

“Yes, the Emperor is merciful.” Ling Buyi whispered. “Despite his crimes, Peng Nian escaped punishment… I have no choice but to take matters into my own hands.”

At this point, he suddenly raised his voice and angrily rebuked, “You heartless woman! If you won’t share my fate, why should I care about you?”

Shaoshang was surprised.

Ling Buyi drew out his short knife and cut the hemp rope tied to the two of them in one go – like cutting an umbilical cord that was connected by flesh and blood. He then pulled off his fur cloak and wrapped it around the girl’s body.

Shaoshang still didn’t understand what was going on. She felt a gentle kiss press on her head and heard him whisper into her ear, “Goodbye.”

She was suddenly thrown high up. Her world spun and her body fell heavily on the ground. She landed amidst a jumble of rocks, but luckily, a patch of soft dry grass cushioned her fall. She rolled several times with the inertia before coming to a stop. Pain wracked her body as if her muscles and bones were about to crack. However, at this moment, she didn’t care to check her injuries. She endured the intense pain and propped herself up to look towards the bright lights.

Ling Buyi sat upright on the saddle, proud and determined.

He seemed to have said something to the two generals who were chasing them and then waved his hand to let soldiers such as the Liang Qiu brothers lay down their weapons and surrender. Just as the soldiers prepared to surrender, Ling Buyi suddenly urged his horse and turned his head to continue chasing after Second Uncle Ling.

The golden-armored general was stunned for a moment, while the cyan-armored general immediately shouted at his subordinates and rushed forward like a tide.

Second Uncle Ling saw the end of the road and let around six or seven soldiers surround him. Ling Buyi chased after him on his own, picking and chopping left and right, killing the soldiers within a few moments. Just as he was about to strike Second Uncle Ling’s head, the cyan-armored general and his deputy were able to catch up.

The cyan-armored general, wielding a pair of iron hammers, and his deputy, armed with a long-handled broadsword, closed in on Ling Buyi. Ling Buyi clearly heard the sound of their weapons being swung behind him. All he had to do was turn around and block, yet he continued to hack at Second Uncle Ling without care.

The scene was heart-wrenching, with layers of soldiers staring at the cliff.

A flash of golden light cleaved through Second Uncle Ling’s neck, severing his head. The head rolled down the mountain slope, and then the cyan-armored general and his deputy struck Ling Buyi’s back with a single, simultaneous blow.

A collective gasp rose from the soldiers. The cries of the Liang Qiu brothers were particularly mournful.

The cyan-armored general, despite knowing Ling Buyi’s skill, was stunned by the swiftness of the attack.

Shaoshang’s eyes were blurred, whether with tears or blood trickling down her forehead. Her palms, raw and bloody, lay flat against the rough stones, the pain somehow numbed.

She raised the back of her hand to wipe her tears forcefully. When she put her hand down, her heart pounded as she watched the dark red and gold figure tumble from his horse, disappearing over the edge of the cliff.

The Red Phoenix Heavenly Halberd slanted to the ground as it fell, its golden wings trembled slightly in the cold wind.

Her thoughts suddenly returned to this time last year, which was also chilly in the spring and the ground littered with corpses. In the hunting house, she had pulled the broken arrow from his shoulder blade, and he turned around and smiled at her, asking if her hand was hurt.

His smile, warm and timeless, like a forgotten dream, lingered in her memory.

Shaoshang’s head dropped, and she knew nothing.

Y’all okay?

Once again, I want to thank everyone for their support and comments. This really is a great little community we’ve got going and I’m so grateful for everyone.

Next Chapter: Go Over Ten Thousand Miles

15 responses to “Love Like The Galaxy; Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five”

  1. This was heartbreaking. TT_TT Have the tissues ready for the next ones.

    Thank you for translating.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The next few chapters are tough ones, that’s for sure! Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! This is so different from the series on TV.! Thanks for the translation! Please, don’t leave us hanging too long!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for your work Lady Kelpi! Such an intense chapter! He would have killed all including children if she didn’t stop him! This story shows the inhumanity of single minded revenge very well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There is such a thing as “family revenge”. Jurisdictional punishment extended to small children and women (not called 9 generation punishment for nothing!) in order to leave NO living soul behind who could in time act out their revenge.

      So his train of though was neither especially cruel nor totall off.

      This was why his cousin Ah’Li, mistaken for HIM had been killed!

      Along with all the women and siblings of the Huo family. And so many other inhabitants of the city they had lived in!

      Li Ying was proud of his family. So to know them killed would have added to his punishment. It all makes sense. Although she doesn’t admit it and finally prevented him from doing that, she knew.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. 🤭I can’t wait for after the time skip and especially that scene inside his carriage with shaoshang, yuan shen and old fifth.

    Keep up your good work.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you so much Lady Kelpi. Even though I cried through this, it’s great to have you back.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Lady Kelpi,

    First, it’s so good to have you back! I am glad to know you are feeling better but please do take care of yourself and make sure health comes first.

    Second, what a chapter! It had my heart pounding and my throat dry when she watches LB falling down the cliff. I can’t wait to read the rest of the adventures…

    Third, thank you for the translations! They give me so much pleasure.

    Yours avid reader.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thanks so much!! I’m happy you enjoy them.


  7. So great to have you and your fantastic translations back! And glad you’re feeling well. I haven’t commented before, but this is my second read-through and really looking forward to the finale!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!! Welcome to the community!


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About Me

I am an Asian history graduate who loves to read, watch dramas, and spend time with my fur babies. I am not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, but am amazing at research which helps the translation process.

Love Like the Galaxy: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Kunning Palace: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Minglan: Sunday at 5:00 CST
