Love Like The Galaxy; Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two

Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two:
Sorrow Leads to Old Age

Five days after Huo Buyi departed for the border, the matter of deposing the Empress was brought to the forefront.

The court was gripped by an eerie silence, with all the high-ranking officials keeping silent on the issue. Only a few scholars from the School of Classics spoke up for the Empress, praising her as ‘virtuous, gentle, and faultless.’ However, the families opposing the Empress and her sons also had their share of educated members. These scholars were often met with scornful laughter and even more vehement rebuttals.

One time, Cheng Yong came to visit his bedridden younger sister. Shaoshang couldn’t help but ask, “Are there no officials willing to risk death to defend the Empress?”

“We are the Emperor’s subjects first and foremost,” Cheng Yong replied, “and only secondarily the Empress’s. If we defied the Emperor for the Empress’s sake, would that be the proper conduct of a subject?”

“But deposing the Empress without cause is unreasonable.”

“There is a reason – the imperial decree accused the Empress of jealousy.”

Seeing his younger sister’s dejected expression, Cheng Yong softened his tone, “For the sake of military deployment, taxes, or any government policy, officials are willing to fight for it. But for a woman they hardly know, they won’t. I’ll say this, Niao Niao: unless it is someone like Empress Lü1, who shared hardships with the emperor, or someone like Huo Pingjun2, whose roots are intertwined, officials who argue with the emperor over deposing an empress are using the sword of Xiang Zhuang to target Pei Gong3 – in short, they are not doing it for the Empress herself.”

Shaoshang said nothing.

The days spent recuperating were peaceful and uneventful. Madam Sang didn’t want to talk to Shaoshang about the past. She simply played chess with her, enjoyed music, and occasionally recounted funny stories from Cheng Zhi’s post. Madam Xiao wanted Madam Sang to persuade her daughter, but Madam Sang said, “Niao Niao understands everything. But hearts are not stones. You can’t just turn them on and off. Don’t worry, Sister-in-law. Niao Niao needs some time. In a couple of years, she will see everything clearly.”

However, the night before they were due to leave, Madam Sang deliberately helped Shaoshang to the porch. “You’re much better off than I was. When I was young, the country was in chaos and there was war everywhere. Sisters who laughed and drank with me one day, I would hear news of their entire families being slaughtered by bandits a few days later. Friends who I met to enjoy the flowers with last month would the next month have fled and disappeared… I know you are angry, but go out and look around. Look at the stars, at the sky, at the world. There are so many hardships in this world. You and I are lucky.”

Shaoshang leaned against a pillar, looking at the fragrant and lush garden, breathing in the vibrant air of spring. She had already made up her mind. From now on, she would train and improve herself every day.

Because of the chaos in the court over the Empress’s deposition, Yuan Shen no longer had time to visit four times a day. He still came every day, however. For some reason, he was particularly quiet this time. He would sit with Shaoshang for a while, separated by a privacy screen, then quietly leave.

Three days after Madam Sang left, the imperial decree deposing the Empress and the decree of establishing the new Empress were issued one after another. As Shaoshang expected, the Emperor prohibited any celebrations or welcoming of the new Empress. At the same time, he treated the deposed Empress with exceptional kindness.

The Emperor conferred the title of King on the other princes. The Second Prince became the King of Huai’an. Then, he changed the title of the deposed Empress to Empress Dowager of Huai’an, moving her to Yong’an Palace in the northeast part of the Northern Palace, and allowed her to continue enjoying her Empress’s fiefdom. Furthermore, to ensure that the Empress Dowager of Huai’an had ample resources, he added a county to the Second Prince’s fiefdom to provide for her.

The Emperor also lavishly rewarded the Xuan family. Empress Dowager Xuan’s brother, Duke Xuan, had no military achievements but the Emperor, despite the opposition of many officials, promoted him from Duke of the Inner Court to a high-ranking Marquis, expanding his fiefdom. Empress Dowager Xuan’s cousin and nephew were both granted noble titles and promoted to high-ranking positions. Even Empress Dowager Xuan’s uncle, whose son had died young, was granted a dukedom in order of his son-in-law.

For a while, the Xuan family basked in the sun of prosperity.

Two days after Shaoshang was able to move around freely, she sent a letter to the Third Prince’s mansion. She even prepared a pouch full of money for the messenger to bribe the gatekeeper, but the Third Prince was very strict with his staff. The messenger returned with the pouch full of money.

Shaoshang sighed. For the first time, she thought it wouldn’t be so bad to have a different emperor.

She thought she had at least a day before he would come, but an hour later, the Third Prince’s carriage arrived at the Cheng mansion’s door. The old steward nearly fell over in surprise, thinking to himself that this girl’s suitors were endless. They came in waves, one after another. It was too much for this old man to handle.

Madam Xiao rushed over, anxiously asking, “Why has His Highness come? Where are you going? You’re not fully recovered yet!”

“Mother, why are you looking so pale? Don’t tell me that you’re sick now that I’m better!”

Shaoshang looked at Madam Xiao in surprise. Even when she was in the rough military camp, she had always been plump and healthy. But now, she looked pale and worn down. “Aunt Qing, you need to take better care of Mother. Medicine isn’t as good as food. Get some bone broth, pig hoof soup, and black fish…”

Qing Cong smiled wryly as she supported Madam Xiao. Her mother stamped her foot, “Answer her properly!”

Shaoshang smiled as she allowed A’Zhu to help dress her. “Mother, don’t worry. I’m going to the palace. But since the Empress has been deposed, my passes are no longer valid. So, I’m asking the Third Prince to take me to see her.”

“I heard the gate of Yong’an Palace is tightly closed and Empress Dowager Huai’an is nowhere to be seen,” Madam Xiao said anxiously. “How can you enter? Besides, why don’t you ask the Crown Prince to help you into the palace?”

“The Crown Prince?” Shaoshang laughed. “Where would he be able to go?” She searched the vanity table. Cheng Yang, who was kneeling quietly beside her, handed her a pair of earrings.

Shaoshang put on the jade earrings and shook her head lightly before the bronze mirror. “Once, when Huo Buyi and I quarreled, I stormed into a palace room in anger. The Crown Prince wanted to mediate, but when he heard me smashing a vase inside, he dared not enter – hmph, to get into Yong’an Palace now, I need the Third Prince’s help.”

With her preparations complete, Shaoshang bowed to Madam Xiao and said goodbye. As she stepped off the porch, she suddenly stopped and turned back, speaking slowly, “Mother, don’t worry about me. I can survive anywhere. But if you don’t take care of yourself, Father will never forgive me.”

Her eyes then settled on Cheng Yang who was behind Madam Xiao. “Since Aunt Qing needs to take care of Mother, all the chores around the house will be left to you,” she said kindly.

Cheng Yang responded in a dazed murmur.

The spring sunshine was dazzling, giving the girl an ethereal quality in its soft warmth, like a fragile primrose that might vanish with a single gust of wind. As she put on her warped-toe shoes and was about to leave the courtyard, Madam Xiao’s trembling voice suddenly called out, “Niao Niao!”

Shaoshang turned and smiled, “I’ll be back soon.”

“Be back soon?!” Madam Xiao felt a wave of dizziness. This was the third time she had heard those words.

In a daze, she could see that day ten years ago, when they were leaving for the frontlines. The young girl, still a child, was held in her nanny’s arms. She was crying, her little face flushed red and shouting with a heart-wrenching voice, “Mother, don’t leave! Father, don’t leave!” Cheng Shi couldn’t bear to watch. He kept looking back, even wanting to run back and grab his daughter, figuring Madam Ge wouldn’t be able to catch up to him. But Madam Xiao calmly stopped her husband. The army was about to depart. There could be no distractions.

Madam Xiao suddenly struggled to her feet. She lost her composure, crying out, “Don’t let her go! Someone! Don’t let her leave… Stop her! Quickly, someone stop her!” She felt like she was going to lose her daughter; to lose her forever. But maybe she had already lost her ten years ago. She had just realized it now.

Why had she been so calm and rational all these years? Why had she been so determined to maintain her good reputation? She should have been like a fierce lioness, ripping out the throats of those who had stolen her child! Or she should have been like a shrew at the village gate, grabbing Madam Ge by the hair and dragging her around the mansion. Anyone who dared to say a word against her would have been left without a single tooth!

It wasn’t that she lacked the means to take her daughter away. She had simply been too cautious, and now, it was too late for any words.

Madam Xiao’s breathing came in heaving gasps, her blood pounding. Suddenly, a sweet taste filled her throat, and a warm, coppery stream spilled from her lips before she crumpled to the ground.

Shaoshang, wearing a thick veil, sat in the carriage while the Third Prince rode alongside. He suddenly spoke up, “Why did your steward look at me with such astonishment?”

Shaoshang pulled the veil tighter around her to prevent people on the street from recognizing her. “People in the countryside haven’t seen the world. Don’t mind him, Your Highness.”

The Third Prince scoffed, “Did Zisheng have the same reaction when he visited your mansion?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized he had misspoken. He found it strange. After all that they had been through, shouldn’t the two of them be together now, finding happiness after their hardships? Why had things turned out like this?

Shaoshang leaned against the rail of the carriage. “Although Huo Buyi is a man of power and influence, he’s always treated others with courtesy and kindness,” she said softly. “Even with the servants, he was always kind and considerate. He’s very different from the way Your Highness described… Oh, by the way, is Empress Dowager Huai’an ill?”

The Third Prince’s lips curled into a sneer. “After she received the decree to depose her, she didn’t pack anything. She took a few palace maids and went to Yong’an Palace. She’s been eating less, and when she got sick, she refused to see the physicians. Mother not only didn’t dare to hold a celebration for the new empress, but she also didn’t dare to move into Changqiu Palace.”

“I figured as much,” Shaoshang nodded.

“Mother is gloomy and depressed, and Father keeps showering the Xuan family with gifts,” the Third Prince mocked. “If Empress Dowager Huai’an continues to be sick, Father might just move the entire national treasury to the Xuan family. Hmph, Father is too kind. If he were as ruthless as Emperor Gaozu or Emperor Wu, who would dare say a word? This world always punishes the kind!”

Shaoshang rolled her eyes at the Third Prince. “You should stop pouring oil on the fire, Your Highness. Everyone has their own nature. Empress Dowager Xuan once said that she couldn’t become Consort Yue, and Consort Yue couldn’t become her. It’s the same with His Majesty.”

The Third Prince was quiet for a moment. “Can you really persuade Empress Dowager Huai’an? I heard that she explained everything to Father that day. Why can’t she get over it now?”

Shaoshang smiled. “His Majesty, the princes and princesses–none of them understand Empress Dowager Xuan’s heart. The truth is, she just needs to be cared for. But since Old Master Xuan passed away, no one has doted on her. Instead, she’s always been the one to care for others, her widowed mother and brother…”

The Third Prince thought of how dignified and composed Empress Dowager Xuan was. He had a skeptical look on his face.

“Empress Dowager Xuan has never truly suffered in her life. Even during the chaos outside, someone was always protecting her. Therefore, the passage of time has never worn away her true nature – deep down in Empress Dowager Xuan’s heart, she was still the eldest daughter of the Xuan family, who was loved and nurtured by her mother and father.”

“But circumstances are stronger than people. At Prince Qian’an’s mansion, she had to endure her older cousins. After marrying His Majesty, she felt indebted to Consort Yue and had to continue to endure her. Also, because her family was weak, she needed to act like a wise and righteous empress, a role model for the world. No matter what happened, even when she was unhappy, she had to pretend not to care. She even had to understand His Majesty’s actions before he explained them. Now, she doesn’t have to pretend anymore. She can act however she wants.”

“I thought you respected the Empress,” the Third Prince said, frowning.

“I do,” Shaoshang replied. “But it’s also important to be honest.”

“There’s nothing we can do,” the Third Prince sighed. “Empress Dowager Huai’an won’t allow anyone in Yong’an Palace, especially members of the Xuan family or the princes. You should go and try to persuade her.”

“What about the Eldest and Fifth Princess?”

“My Fifth Sister is still locked up. As for the Eldest Princess…” The Third Prince’s face went cold. “She cried in front of Father for a while, then she understood Father’s difficult position. Now she and her husband are taking turns to persuade Father not to overwork himself. No wonder Empress Dowager Xuan is sick. I would be too.”

Shaoshang shook her head. The Eldest Princess and her husband were a classic example of how to navigate this situation.

At some point in their conversation, the two of them arrived at the gates of Yong’an Palace. The gates were closed.

Shaoshang glanced at the Third Prince, implying ‘Your turn, handsome.’ The Prince shot her a glare, then took a deep breath and summoned a group of burly guards. They fetched a battering ram as thick as two men embracing, and with a count of “One, two, three!” they slammed it against the gates of Yong’an Palace, knocking the eunuch gatekeepers to the ground.

Before anyone could recover, Shaoshang lifted her skirt and stepped into the palace. The Third Prince told his guards to push back the palace maids who were trying to stop her. “It’s unheard of to use a battering ram inside the palace walls,” he said. “I’m doomed. You need to reason with Empress Dowager Xuan!”

Shaoshang turned back. “Who said I was going to reason with her?”

The usually composed Third Prince was startled.

“Don’t worry,” Shaoshang said with a smile. “If I’m successful, Your Highness won’t just be innocent, but will be credited with a great achievement!”

The Third Prince choked on his own breath, nearly ascending to the heavens.

Yong’an Palace was newly built, less than two years old. It was smaller than Changqiu Palace, but it was more beautiful in terms of its buildings and windows. Unfortunately, Empress Dowager Xuan and her staff hadn’t bothered to tidy up. Shaoshang walked in and found the palace empty and desolate.

The Empress Dowager’s present chambers were hastily assembled, containing only a bed in the center and a small brazier in the corner – no other furnishings. Old Lady Zhai stood beside the brazier in a daze until Shaoshang’s arrival prompted her to hurry and announce the visitor.

It had been less than a month, yet Empress Dowager Xuan’s once lustrous black tresses were now streaked with white, her whole being exuding weariness and decay. She lay on her side, back turned to Shaoshang, silent.

Shaoshang stretched her neck to get a better view. She then knelt by the bed. Old Lady Zhai cried, “You should just go back. I’ve tried to persuade her, but Her Majesty won’t listen.”

Shaoshang smiled at Old Lady Zhai. “Your Majesty,” she said calmly. “I have an interesting story to tell you.”

Old Lady Zhai was taken aback.

“The Third Prince brought me to the palace today. He saw my handwriting and asked in surprise, ‘How come it looks exactly like Zisheng’s?’ It was only then that I realized that for the past year, I had been copying Master Huo’s handwriting. Heh, he really is so sly.”

Empress Dowager Xuan moved slightly.

“When I was little, people would always call me a child abandoned by my parents. I thought, when I grow up, I won’t have to deal with that anymore.” Shaoshang’s eyes began to fill with tears.

“If I want something, I’ll find a way to get it. The heavens gave me intelligence and strength, but some fools are too lazy to use them. Then, I met Huo Buyi. My intelligence and strength were gradually shelved, and I became an ordinary fool. And then, when I was most vulnerable, he abandoned me.”

Empress Dowager Xuan turned her head slightly.

“I’ve decided to forget about Huo Buyi. But when I wake up in the morning, I remember his advice not to go out on an empty stomach. When I go out, I remember him bringing the carriage to pick me up. Everything from food and clothing to shelter and travel, from laughter to anger – I can remember him everywhere, at all times. So, I decided to get rid of all the things he gave me. But when I picked up my brush, there was his handwriting again. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get married if this keeps on.”

“I don’t want to stay at home and bear the pity and worry of my family. Please help me, Your Majesty!” Tears were streaming down Shaoshang’s face, soaking her clothes. Old Lady Zhai was also weeping beside her.

The girl crawled on her knees to the bedside, small hands gripping the covers as she pleaded mournfully, “Your Majesty, I have nowhere else to go. Please, save me! Give me a refuge. Help me overcome this hurdle. Help me forget him! I cannot keep waking to him and sleeping with his memory. I will die, I truly will! Save me, Your Majesty…how else can I live on?”

“Your Majesty!” Old Lady Zhai cried as well.

Empress Dowager Xuan finally sat up slowly, revealing her pale face, which was streaked with tears.

Upon hearing that Yong’an Palace had summoned a physician and food, the Emperor beamed with joy. Empress Yue also breathed a sigh of relief. Both the Emperor and Empress felt a lightness, as if they had been pardoned. Finally, they could sit down and have a meal together.

The Emperor had initially wanted to give the Third Prince a good beating when he heard he had broken down the palace gate. However, when he learned that he had taken Shaoshang to Yong’an Palace, he sighed and instead rewarded him with a string of pearls. After a satisfying meal, the Emperor immediately ordered Cen Anzhi to deliver a message, “Tell Shaoshang that she can ask for anything she wants and to take good care of the Empress Dowager of Huai’an. I’ll remember her contributions!”

The Emperor was in a good mood, and the officials from the Ministry of Personnel finally wiped their brows in relief.

Big Marquis Yue and Master Yu left the palace together. Big Marquis Yue said, “Thank goodness. These past few days, I have been on edge, worried that something might happen to the Empress Dowager of Huai’an. If she were to pass away, the Emperor and my sister wouldn’t be able to be together anymore.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Master Yu said. “Women, when deposed as their husband’s official wife, always make a scene. I just never imagined that it would be the Cheng family’s young mistress who would solve this problem. It seems the Xuan family doesn’t have much talent after all. I don’t know if they’re being stubborn or if they really didn’t think of this, but at this crucial moment, they just stood by and watched the Emperor and Consort Yue be put in a difficult situation. The Empress Dowager said they couldn’t enter the palace, so no one entered the palace!”

Big Marquis Yue was silent for a moment. “I’ll go thank Commander Cheng later for raising such a good daughter.”

“She’s a good daughter. Intelligent, wise, and brave. I plan to talk to Commander Cheng about marriage when this blows over. My twelfth son and the daughter of the Cheng family are about the same age,” Master Yu said.

Big Marquis Yue stopped abruptly. “You, you, you wanted to marry your daughter off to Zisheng!”

“What’s the harm in that?” Master Yu gave a carefree smile. “Marriage is a major affair. You can’t let it drag on. If it doesn’t work out here, try somewhere else. Even if it doesn’t work with the Cheng family, it’s no big deal. Didn’t your mother teach you that?”

Big Marquis Yue flicked out his sleeve and sighed. “Mother was nothing like you! I wonder where Zisheng is now.”

Master Yu stroked his beard and laughed, “Zisheng will be fine. He’s so handsome, he’ll attract women wherever he goes. But Cui You… Madam Huo is gone. He can’t stay alone for the rest of his life. I have a widowed niece who is under thirty years old. I was thinking of setting her up with him. What do you think?”

Big Marquis Yue rolled his eyes. “What do I think? I think you should quit being an official and become a matchmaker!”

“What’s wrong with being a matchmaker? A few years ago, I set up the Second Marquis’s sister with General Han’s youngest son. Now they’re a happy couple and visit me on every holiday. It’s much better than being an official who’s constantly being blamed!”

Big Marquis Yue slowed his pace, hesitating. “Ah, I heard a rumor – the Emperor’s man Yuan Shen, Yuan Shanjian, has been frequenting the Cheng Mansion day and night. You heard about this?”

“Yes, I heard,” Master Yu said.

“You!” Big Marquis Yue stomped his foot. “Don’t tell me Yuan Shen is going to the Cheng family to discuss the classics. I don’t believe it!”

“Of course, he’s not going to see them to discuss the classics. What’s the harm? One girl, many suitors.”

“But isn’t Yuan Shen engaged to Old Cai Yun’s niece?”

“My brother-in-law, I’ve learned a lesson from Young Mistress Cheng. A cooked duck can fly, and an engagement can be broken,” Master Yu said.

Madam Xiao lay on her back, waiting anxiously for the entire day. She didn’t wait for her daughter to return, but for a cold, official decree: “Appointing the Cheng family daughter as the Imperial Lady of Yong’an Palace, with a salary of six hundred stones.” There was also a decree granting additional honors and wealth to her husband and eldest son.

Guests soon arrived to offer congratulations, but they quickly noticed that Cheng Shi and his wife were unusually quiet. When asked, they simply said they were tired from the spring.

That day, Cheng Yang finished her chores and dismissed all the maids. She went to the study alone. After searching several rooms, she found Cheng Cheng in the back-room’s library, looking for a book.

Cheng Cheng smiled. “Yang Yang, why are you here? You’re getting married next month. Why aren’t you resting in your room?”

Cheng Yang didn’t answer. She sat across from Cheng Cheng at his desk. “Father, you mentioned you wanted to bring Mother back?”

Cheng Cheng was taken aback. “Yes, that’s right.” He then became a little embarrassed. “When I was studying at Bailu Mountain, your maternal grandfather kept sending things over, and your uncle came to visit a few times. They said your mother has changed.”

“Have you forgotten the insults and abuse Mother directed at you?” Cheng Yang asked.

Cheng Cheng sighed and looked down. “I’m not like your uncles. I’m just a commoner. I’m also old and crippled. How could I find a good woman to remarry? The families that your elder uncle likes wouldn’t look at me, and the ones who look at me, your uncle wouldn’t approve of. Otherwise, they would be after the Cheng family’s power and have ulterior motives. It’s better to bring your mother back…”

“I disagree,” Cheng Yang said. “I don’t want Mother to come back. If your remarriage doesn’t work out, why don’t you find a gentle and kind concubine to serve you?”

Cheng Cheng’s jaw dropped. “You, you….”

“Father, you know that Eldest Aunt is sick, right?”

“Of course! But…”

Cheng Yang had tears in her eyes. “Eldest Uncle told everyone that Eldest Aunt’s illness was a relapse of her old condition. But I know that it’s because of Niao Niao. She’s heartbroken and sick. She regrets it. She regrets abandoning Niao Niao ten years ago. She regrets scolding Niao Niao. She regrets that the peace and joy they could have shared as mother and daughter were cut off by the palace gates.”

“It’s my fault,” Cheng Cheng said awkwardly. “I was too weak. I couldn’t stop your mother back then.”

“That’s how you are, Father. Even if Mother didn’t always bring up Grandmother, even if it had just been her, you wouldn’t have been able to say anything to her.” Cheng Yang wiped her tears and turned her head.

“Father, is that fair? My uncle and aunt have pampered and cherished my cousin for years, but Niao Niao was always treated coldly and cruelly by Mother. She was raised to be crude and uneducated. I didn’t notice when she first came to the Capital. Now I realize how horrible Mother’s behavior was!” Cheng Yang clenched her fists.

“For ten years, Eldest Aunt sent people back to take Niao Niao, but Mother always tricked and stopped them. I heard Shaogong say that most of the generals stationed outside are related to each other through marriage. If Eldest Aunt had taken Niao Niao with her, she could have found a suitable husband, like Wan Qiqi. There wouldn’t have been any need for Lou or Huo!” The usually gentle and well-behaved girl was filled with indignation.

Cheng Cheng pressed a hand against his forehead. “I understand what you mean. Mother deliberately tried to make things difficult for Sister-in-law, but she’s impulsive. If Madam Ge hadn’t been there constantly scheming and causing trouble, it wouldn’t have gotten this bad.

“I’ll write to my aunt and explain everything. No matter if Mother has changed or not, she can’t come back to the Cheng family!” Cheng Yang sat up straight, her body trembling slightly. “How can someone who does wrong get to live their days in peace, while Mother never showed an ounce of compassion for an innocent child for ten years! As long as I live in the Cheng family, she won’t be able to come!”

“What do you mean, as long as you live in the Cheng family?” Cheng Cheng sensed something was different.

“I told Eldest Uncle that I don’t like my fiancé and won’t marry him under any circumstances. He agreed to break the engagement for me.”

“How could you do this?!” Cheng Cheng stood up, his face flushed with anger. “Don’t you know how much effort your aunt put into this marriage? That family has good morals and a good lineage. What’s wrong with them? You, you, you…”

“Because I can’t leave!” Cheng Yang cried, her voice trembling. “Eldest Aunt is so sick! It’s like all her energy and spirit has been drained away! Aunt Qing has to take care of her, who will manage the household? I can’t leave now!”

“Eldest Cousin has been given a post. After he marries, he will have to go to Qing County. They’ll be newlyweds. Can we ask Sister Xu’e to stay and take care of Eldest Aunt?!” Cheng Yang wiped her face with her sleeve, smudging her makeup. “My second cousin was adopted by the Wan family. After his wedding to Qiqi, he’ll have to go to his new post with Uncle Wan. Who else will be left at home?!”

Cheng Yang took a deep breath to calm herself. “Not only is Mother unfit to return to the Cheng family, but I am also unfit to marry and settle down! As long as Niao Niao isn’t settled, I will stay with the Cheng family. Don’t say anything, Father. Just go back to Bailu Mountain and continue studying. I’ll be here. I’ll take care of the family!”

Cheng Cheng sat back down woodenly. Seeing his daughter, as if she had grown up overnight, he felt a mixture of heartache and pride, as well as self-deprecation at his powerlessness. He could only sigh deeply.

After father and daughter left, there was a loud crack as the last row of bookshelves moved aside. Two young men emerged from behind – Cheng Shaogong and Ban Jia.

They had snuck in to find a book and quickly hid behind the bookshelf when they heard Cheng Cheng coming in. They wanted to avoid being nagged by his Second Uncle, who loved books. They were finally able to come out.

Cheng Shaogong brushed the dust off his clothes and muttered, “Look at my luck, always overhearing things I shouldn’t. What should I do? Should I tell Father and Mother about this? Hey, A’Jia, what’s wrong with you?”

Ban Jia stood there, his eyes fixed on the doorway.

“What’s wrong? What are you staring at? That was my second uncle and my cousin. You’ve met them before, haven’t you?” Cheng Shaogong waved his hand in front of his face.

Ban Jia stood stiffly, his pretty face filled with a dreamy expression. “Shaogong, did you hear the thunder and lightning outside?”

What?! Cheng Shaogong glanced out the window – not a cloud marred the clear blue sky.

The sky outside was indeed clear, and for days, the weather had been good. Shaoshang immediately went to work, dividing her team of people into two groups. One larger group would clean up Changqiu Palace, while a smaller group would tidy up Yong’an Palace.

Especially for Changqiu Palace. Although they were taking the things the Empress Dowager was used to, they couldn’t leave a mess for Empress Yue. They had to leave it clean if they wanted to continue their jobs. Shaoshang instructed the palace maids and eunuchs to ‘leave no garbage behind,’ and as they removed the belongings and furniture, they cleaned Changqiu Palace so that the windows were bright and the furniture was spotless. They made it clean and tidy, without being rigid, and simple without being empty, making it easier for Empress Yue to move in her own belongings.

Understanding that actions speak louder than words, Shaoshang offered a reward from the Empress’s private funds. The palace maids and eunuchs, dejected after the Empress Dowager’s deposal, regained their vigor. Within just six or seven days, the two palaces were set in order.

The Emperor was very pleased and had Cen Anzhi carry a chest full of money to reward Shaoshang.

Empress Yue surveyed Changqiu Palace, her arms crossed. For once, she expressed her satisfaction. “Before, I only thought she loved to eat and play and was quick-witted, but I never realized she could be so efficient.” She also had someone bring a chest of money to Shaoshang.

Old Lady Zhai grumbled, “As if she’s showing off how much money her Yue family has!” Shaoshang, however, accepted the chest of money without hesitation.

Only the main hall and inner chambers of Yong’an Palace were in order. Shaoshang asked the Empress Dowager to rest and recover, and then requested the Emperor to create a separate kitchen for her next to the side hall. She wanted independent purchasing rights and some access to the palace gates.

Shaoshang looked around. Over the next few years, she envisioned creating an art studio, a craft room, a weaving room, and a study within the palace. She would also cultivate a garden behind the palace, where lush flowers and leaves would thrive in spring and summer, offering opportunities for tea under the moonlight and fruit tastings. In autumn and winter, a bountiful harvest would provide ingredients for soups, roasts, and cozy evenings by the fire.

This would not be a cold and desolate palace. She intended to infuse it with a quiet and cheerful atmosphere.

“In the future, I will establish rules. Those who deserve it will be rewarded, and those who deserve it will be punished. If someone finds a better position, they are free to leave. … Now, close the main gate. From this point forward, no one can enter or leave without my permission.”

The young lady, her robes adorned with jingling pendants, stood upright in the main hall. Her eyes were calm, her tone gentle. As she issued the orders, the palace maids and eunuchs obeyed without question.

Watching the crimson gate slowly close, Shaoshang suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest. It was so intense that she almost couldn’t stand.

That was also a day in early spring with a clear sky. The high heavens were as beautiful and vast as a jade pond. Her mother’s face was stern as she talked in the carriage. The fourteen-year-old girl answered absentmindedly, “The city gate is closed again.”

Actually, she hadn’t told the truth. Before the crimson gate closed, between the golden brass door handles, she had seen the handsome, tall young man galloping back, stopping his horse on a distant hillside to look at her.

From that distance, she couldn’t see his face clearly, but she knew he was smiling at her. His smile was as gentle and refined as a spring stream, enough to make her remember it for a lifetime.

At that time, she was already engaged, but in the deepest recesses of her heart, she was still inexplicably happy.

Those memories came back so suddenly, overwhelming Shaoshang with no time to react.

At that moment, she remembered him vividly.

His eyelashes were long, his jawline handsome and graceful. When he smiled, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, creating a tiny swirl on his left lip. His eyes, deep and clear, held a sincerity and steadfastness when they met hers. His chest was warm, his arms strong and steady. But she had to forget him completely.

She would erase him from her memory, little by little, slowly. She would never risk that again, never let her heart ache like that again.

(End of Volume Four)

We’re onto the last volume! It’s probably one of my favorite parts, and so much was cut from the drama so I can’t wait for everyone to see how it plays out!

Thanks again for all the likes and comments! You guys rock. Also, I’m looking at some smaller web novels (less than 150 chapters) to translate, just so there’s a bit of variety/breath of fresh air for the site. If you guys have some suggestions for me to check out, let me know!

Next Chapter: Flowing Years

  1. Empress Lü was the first empress of the Han Dynasty. She was known for her ruthless ambition and political maneuvering. ↩︎
  2. Huo Pingjun was the wife of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty. She was known for her loyalty and devotion to her husband. ↩︎

11 responses to “Love Like The Galaxy; Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two”

  1. Thank you so much – this was a very good chapter and I am looking forward to all that was cut from the drama.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading! The time skip is so good!


  2. thank you for your translations! I’m excited for the next chapters and for the extra chapters too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoy!


  3. So here we are.

    And just got the confirmation that she had LOVED him when she first met him.

    Only she did not notice it then. He was deeply ingrained in her body, mind and soul.

    See how goes trying to forget him, who your entire heart, soul and being loves so deeply, you stubborn girl!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for the translations. From your efforts, I learn to love the novel more than the drama. Really hope that you can translate Amidst a Snowstorm of Love… Thank you again

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading! The book is better seems to be universal, haha.

      I’m halfway through my first read of Amidst a Snowstorm of Love and it’s really good so I’m thinking it’ll happen at some point!


  5. It hurts so good :’)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes love don’t feel like it should.

      Thanks for reading!


  6. Thank you. The tears started flowing as soon as we get to the part of her masking the pain. The book gives so much context and also showed how strong CSS was. Even when her heart was breaking. I loved it. On the other hand, the 3rd prince was like a comedic relief in spite of it all.


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About Me

I am an Asian history graduate who loves to read, watch dramas, and spend time with my fur babies. I am not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, but am amazing at research which helps the translation process.

Love Like the Galaxy: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Kunning Palace: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Minglan: Sunday at 5:00 CST
