Love Like The Galaxy; Chapter Seventy-Six

Chapter Seventy-Six:
The Palace (Part 2)

After completing the finishing blow to the Third Princess, the Second Princess pulled her younger sister along and led them away from the palace. Ling Buyi looked at the direction of their departure. “It seems like the princesses won’t be visiting the Empress and Consort Yue today.”

“The Third Princess doesn’t come to the palace these days?” Shaoshang asked.

“Not bad,” Ling Buyi said as he glanced at her. “How do you know?”

“Just now, I heard from the Second Princess that Third Princess had been deprived of thirty percent of her income a few months ago. Although I don’t know what Her Highness’s mistake was, there was still anger in her words. It seems that father and daughter haven’t reconciled. Therefore, with her temperament, she naturally won’t enter the palace frequently.”

Ling Buyi remained silent for a moment. “That’s right. However, it isn’t His Majesty who proposed to deprive the Third Princess of her income as punishment, but Consort Yue. In the past few months, the Third Princess has not entered the palace except for family banquets.”

“Is Consort Yue the biological mother of Third Princess?” Shaoshang asked, surprised. She had only heard that a mother-in-law would cover up for her children and say good things. This was not a routine operation.

“Consort Yue is very strict in raising her children. You will find out in the future.”

After he finished speaking, he pulled Shaoshang away and left. The guards he brought quietly and solemnly followed behind them, always separated by about ten feet. Shaoshang stumbled and was dragged along with a brisk pace, occasionally looking back at these silent followers. She was not accustomed to such a grand appearance. She wanted to say something, but Ling Buyi didn’t say a word and took a big step. The height requirement was placed there, and Shaoshang was almost dragged into a trot. Perhaps this was the legendary Cold War stage for couples.

“Master Ling Buyi!”

With the palace in sight ahead of them, Shaoshang stopped walking and tightly grabbed her fiancé’s arm with both hands, panting heavily. “Just say what you have to say. I will face the Emperor later and you’re dragging me away. I’ll be out of breath and can’t answer His Majesty’s words… I don’t have the thirty percent income to be confiscated, only the head attached to my neck!” At that point, there really was no need to get married.

Ling Buyi stopped and looked at her. “I’ve never seen you go wrong in my life,” he said slowly, his expression gloomy. “Now I realize that you are a cunning and selfish woman! When you use me, you talk sweetly and praise me in every way. When you realize I’m not the kind of husband you want, you abandon me like a pair of shoes.”

Shaoshang remained silent and said, “…You’re right.” According to the customs of this era, her previous excessive flattery was indeed very easy for men to understand. She was very sorry for this, but what was with his resentful tone?

“When you used to call me ‘brother,’ I should have thought of your intentions. You were both greedy for the help I could give you and you also despised me. You didn’t want me as a person, so you just wanted me to be a ‘not near, not far’ brother.”

Shaoshang thought for a moment and sighed. “That’s right. But I don’t dislike you.”

How could she dislike him? However, the most beautiful moment for a male god was when he was placed on the altar. As long as he stayed on the altar forever, he could become a consolation for the soul, a guiding light for faith and progress…

She was very willing to treat Ling Buyi as such a perfect statue, which could not only be used for worship, but also serve as a support. It was truly beautiful. She planned well, but to her surprise, others didn’t follow her instructions and insisted on squeezing into her life.   In the near future, this powerful deity would sleep next to her. That left a sour taste and she didn’t want to let it go.

Ling Buyi’s phoenix eyes were angry and full of disbelief, staring coldly at her.

“How could I despise you?” Shaoshang smiled bitterly. “I despise myself.” That was the truth. She knew that she had many shortcomings, and the reason for not getting along with others often lied in herself.

“Since you know you have a bad temper, you don’t want to change it at all,” Ling Buyi stared at her.

“If it could be easily changed, why is there a saying that it’s easy to change the country but hard to change nature?”

“That’s you,” Ling Buyi sneered. “Wise enough to reject advice, witty enough to cover up.”

Hearing those familiar words, Shaoshang suddenly laughed. “My mother often says this to me. You and her must get along well.”

“However, I will not withdraw this marriage.”

“Since you know that I have a bit of a temper and can be a bit unbearable… why do you insist on marrying me?” Shaoshang was at a loss for words.

Ling Buyi looked at her for a moment. “I fell off my horse a couple days ago and was injured. You haven’t asked about my injury yet.”

Shaoshang looked up and saw the bloodstains on his slender neck and the side of his face, reflecting his skin color like a white wall stained with vermilion. She softened her heart and reached out with her left hand to caress his bandaged neck. “Do you feel any pain?” she whispered.

Ling Buyi’s cold expression eased. He had been angry for two days and nights, as if waiting for a simple greeting and gentle touch. He held the hand that stroked his neck. “You don’t have to be afraid when you visit His Majesty later,” he said softly. “His Majesty is very kind and you can say anything you want. It doesn’t matter if you are wrong, I’m here.”

Shaoshang looked up at the handsome and tall young man in front of her, and her heart seemed to leap over countless mountains and rivers in an instant. After trekking through deep ditches and huge mountains, she suddenly felt tired. “Actually, your temperament is no better than mine,” she said. “It’s so hot and cold, the weather is uncertain, and ordinary people can’t bear it.”

Hearing this insult, Ling Buyi’s eyes were as bright as stars. He touched Shaoshang’s soft forehead. “If you treat me better, I wouldn’t be like this anymore.”

Shaoshang was speechless for a moment. “Isn’t that what I should have said to you?” she asked.

“You aren’t good to me, that’s why I went horseback riding while I was drunk.” Ling Buyi was very serious. “However, I didn’t tell anyone that it was because of you I fell off my horse.”

Shaoshang stared into his round eyes. “I didn’t want to marry you at first, but now I reluctantly accept you. You are still picky and want me to treat you better! No wonder you were worried that I wouldn’t like it before. It seems that you still know yourself quite well – are you blackmailing me?”

Ling Buyi smiled but didn’t answer. He picked up her hand and continued to walk. This time, he slowed down his pace.

Shaoshang followed behind him angrily. “You are skilled in horseback riding, you are good at it, and yet you actually blame me. I don’t recognize it, and it’s useless for you to threaten me…” she muttered, but she could only be dragged away by him.

After arriving at the palace gate, the eunuch on duty bowed to greet them, and Ling Buyi smiled back. His posture was upright and elegant, and he didn’t show any contempt for those in lower positions than him. The smile in the eunuch’s eyes were even stronger, and he repeatedly asked for permission. Ling Buyi took Shaoshang to the next level and left the guards outside the hall.

As they walked in, Shaoshang heard several eunuchs whispering behind her.

“Master Ling is a good person. He treats us all with such humility and kindness.”

“Eleventh Lang and the other sons are different, without any arrogance or severity.”

“People from Shangshu Terrace often praise him for his diligence in etiquette, bravery and benevolence. This is the true style of an ancient gentleman!”

“That’s Young Mistress Cheng, right? She was born beautiful. I don’t know if she has a gentle and respectful personality. It isn’t easy for Eleventh Lang to be alone these years. I hope this young mistress treats him better!”

The sounds of discussion gradually faded away. Shaoshang held her breath. Ling Buyi suddenly stopped and pointed to the deep corridor in front of him. “Just walk to the end of the corridor and turn to find His Majesty’s resting place after his daily business. Do you have anything else to say to me?”

Shaoshang lowered her voice and said angrily, “You are really good at being a person. Everyone makes sure to tell me to treat you well! Why hasn’t anyone said you should treat me better? I’ve been having such a hard time these years!”

“That’s all?” Ling Buyi couldn’t help but smile. “We’re about to face the Emperor.”

“Also!” Shaoshang looked stern and took a deep breath. “It’s all because of you that I have so many things! Later, if His Majesty suspects me of scolding you, it’s your fault. If His Majesty reprimands me, it’s also your fault. If His Majesty asks something and I can’t answer, it’s still your fault! Remember that!”

Ling Buyi finally couldn’t hold it anymore and turned around, holding onto the carved corridor wall of the dark red lacquered wood with one hand and laughing softly.

Shaoshang was furious. She vigorously waved her sleeve to shake off his hand. She stamped her feet childishly and walked forward on her own.

Ling Buyi leaned his forehead against the back of his hand and chuckled lightly. He murmured dotingly to himself, “You’re fierce and soft inside!”

When he looked up again, he saw that she had disappeared at the end of the corridor. He strode after her, and when he reached the end, he saw his fiancée with his back to him. She was speaking to a young man with a long body and jade standing. He paused slightly before slowly walking over.

“Is there a beast chasing you? Every time you get engaged, it’s like you run for your life…”

“Except for the fact that Master Huangfu sent my aunt a letter of poems every month, my uncle writes home every month to complain about his grievances. I have nothing to do with Master Shanjian. Please take care of yourself.”

“…Then I congratulate Her Highness Shang on getting another good marriage.”

“Can you remove the word another?”

Before Yuan Shen could answer back, Ling Buyi had walked over and smiled. “It turned out to be a good opinion. I don’t know what you were talking about with my wife.”

Yuan Shen frowned. “It seems inappropriate to call her your wife at this time. After all, you are not married yet.”

Shaoshang’s eyes lit up. She had just wanted to say, ‘What kind of woman hasn’t married yet?’ She clapped her hands and smiled. “Master Shanjian has a lot of insight!”

Ling Buyi gave a sidelong glance to her. “I see you also have a lot of insight,” he whispered. “Why don’t you go to His Majesty and share it later?”

Shaoshang immediately softened and remained silent.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Shen felt an inexplicable anger in his heart. Just as he was about to speak, Ling Buyi politely arched his hand at him and smiled. “I see you are about to leave the palace. Now that the sun is blazing, why not have someone prepare a bamboo hat for you?”

Yuan Shen opened and closed his mouth several times, but in the end, he restrained himself and bowed back. “I will take my leave now.” After that, he couldn’t help but glance at Shaoshang again, and then left with a brush of his sleeve.

Ling Buyi fixed his gaze on the corridor where Yuan Shen had left, without taking a step for a long time. Shaoshang couldn’t stop from asking, “What are you looking at? Is there anything wrong with Yuan Shen?”

“It’s been less than a hundred steps since we walked here separately,” Ling Buyi said.

Shaoshang didn’t know what he meant. “Yes, it’s only been about a hundred steps. So what?”

Ling Buyi looked at her bewildered expression and sighed lightly. “Nothing. Let’s go see His Majesty.”

After the high-profile voice of the eunuch was heard, the two of them bowed and entered the inner hall. They saw the Emperor sitting high in his usual attire, and the Empress was dressed in a simple bun next to him. The smiling Crown Prince and gentle Crown Princess sat at the bottom.

Ling Buyi took Shaoshang to greet both of them and went to sit down. “Why is the Empress here, too? Didn’t you say that you were waiting for us to pass by Changqiu Palace?”

The Empress gave a demure smile. “Just think of it as I can’t wait to see your bride.” She turned her head. “Your Majesty, everyone is here, just say what you want to instruct.”

The Emperor looked down at the honest little girl kneeling down and nodded. “Well, I finally did the right thing today.”

Shaoshang’s face blushed with shame. She was truly fearless and ignorant, as she later realized that she had been using the wrong court etiquette.

“Your Majesty, the Cheng family originally didn’t want their daughter to enter the palace. There’s naturally a lack of discipline in etiquette,” Ling Buyi couldn’t help but protect his fiancée.

The Emperor ignored his adopted son. “Madam Cheng, do you know how to become Zisheng’s wife?”

Shaoshang was full of confusion. How could this sound like the opening speech of a job fair? She looked at the several big shots in front of her and carefully considered her words. “This… to become the wife of Master Ling, you have to get married first.”

The Crown Prince laughed loudly. Seeing the Emperor’s displeased gaze directed his way, he quickly lowered his head and suppressed his laughter. Surprisingly, the Empress and Crown Princess also turned their faces, covering their sleeves while laughing lightly.  

Shaoshang quickly apologized. “Replying to Your Majesty, I am foolish and don’t know Your Majesty’s intentions. I just spoke recklessly, please forgive me!” What was wrong with what she just said? Why were people smiling and laughing?

The Emperor remained silent. He had no sign of joy or anger on his face.

Ling Buyi sighed. “Your Majesty, if you have anything to say, say it directly. Shaoshang is young and doesn’t know better, so she cannot understand.”

“Alright,” the Emperor smiled at Shaoshang, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. “Madam Cheng, I have to ask you. Your etiquette is crude and your talent not obvious. However, Zisheng is the pillar of the country. I consider him my own son. Do you think you are a good match for Zisheng?”

Shaoshang felt relief spread through her body. Finally! Someone finally asked her that question. She had a lot to say!

Ling Buyi wanted to speak again, but the Emperor suddenly raised his hand to stop him from speaking. “You, don’t speak,” he ordered. “Let Shaoshang speak.”

“It’s not a good match, of course it’s a bad match!” Shaoshang took a deep breath, determined to save even the commas after speaking in one go. She spoke loudly and with enthusiasm.

“Your Majesty, my parents left the capital city to fight when I was three years old. I was left with my elderly and frail grandmother and my unvirtuous Second Aunt who has since been divorced by Second Uncle. In the past decade, I have not read more than ten books. When my parents came back, they saw that their daughter was so vulgar and unseemly and immediately began my education, but this little bit of learning isn’t enough to make up for ten years of neglect! My mother said that she would find me a husband with a slightly lower family background in the future. If I were to be despised, my mother’s family would still be able to support me… I have no reason to lie! No one from my grandmother to my siblings would have thought that I would be engaged to such a rare talent as Master Ling! Your Majesty, this is all true. If I knew that I would suffer from Master Ling’s eyes in the future, I would definitely be hanging my head and studying hard day and night, winter and summer. But, but it’s too late now! The thought of marrying a young man like Master Ling, who has vastly different talents and looks, has made me uneasy more than once. Your Majesty, why don’t you advise Master Ling that I am really not worthy of him?”

Shaoshang felt breathless as she finished her monologue.

The Empress and Crown Prince were surprised and laughed, subtly wiping away tears from their eyes. The Crown Princess was stunned; whether she was scared or didn’t understand what was going on, Shaoshang didn’t know. The Emperor’s smile froze. This wasn’t the answer he had been waiting for. He originally wanted to strike fear into the little girl so that she wouldn’t be spoiled by pampering and bully his adoptive son’s generosity. How did it end up like this…?

Ling Buyi didn’t seem surprised by his fiancée’s high opinion of him. “Your Majesty,” he smiled, “you can see how humble and self-aware Shaoshang is. She’s natural and authentic.”

Thanks again for everyone’s support! We’re heading into some of my favorite chapters in this novel and I’m excited to share them with you!!

Next Chapter: The Palace (Part 3)

8 responses to “Love Like The Galaxy; Chapter Seventy-Six”

  1. “Ling Buyi didn’t seem surprised by his fiancée’s high opinion of him. “Your Majesty,” he smiled, “you can see how humble and self-aware Shaoshang is. She’s natural and authentic.””

    Oh, Wen Di…. you wanted to bully this little bride into being obedient and submissive to her future husband.

    Well… that backfired! 🤣🤣🤣

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha I’ve come to expect a lot of things involving Ling Buyi backfire on people. Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “It’s been less than a hundred steps since we walked here separately,” Ling Buyi said.

    Did Ling Buyi just realise that Shaoshang would be taken by another man if he let her out of sight for a moment ? 😁

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hahaha, yes, yes he was. And also because it was Yuan Shen, too, I believe. You’ll see in later chapters that they don’t exactly get along. Thanks for reading!


  3. This story is like Taming of the shrew and Pygmalion combined. Unbeatable plot. Can’t stop laughing at her innocence. I’m so looking forward to read when she trully realizes her power, how properly use it and remain decent

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow, I didn’t think of it, but now I can totally see the similarities! Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This chapter is so amazing. Her innocence and Ling Buyi’s assertiveness makes it so interesting.Thanks for translating:)

    Liked by 1 person

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About Me

I am an Asian history graduate who loves to read, watch dramas, and spend time with my fur babies. I am not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, but am amazing at research which helps the translation process.

Love Like the Galaxy: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Kunning Palace: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Minglan: Sunday at 5:00 CST
