Love Like The Galaxy; Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six:
Looking for Recognition

Unlike the renowned Tingwei Prison, the Northern Army Prison appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary high-gate mansion from the outside. There were a lot of soldiers guarding the outside, and the stone pillars for resisting horses were denser. The most distinctive thing was the two- to three-meter-high Bi An statue at the entrance, all made of black and rough blue polished stones. The fangs and claws were cast with dense bronze, too.
[Bi An is a legendary beast that used to appear on prison doors.]

The person guarding the Northern Army Prison was a chubby uncle who often smiled. He was not good-looking, and his name wasn’t well-known. Judging from the dignified and polite treatment of the Third Prince and Ling Buyi towards him, Shaoshang had to guess he must have some outstanding qualities.

Regardless of vertical or horizontal comparison, a rebellion was undoubtedly number one among various levels of crime. Of course, depending on the specific level of execution, the rebellion could also be divided into intentional rebellion, collusion (literary), and military rebellion (martial). At the highest level of the highest crimes, Shaoshang walked to the deepest part of the prison to see Peng Nian, whom Daddy Daycare Cui had completely abused.

Old Peng originally wanted to deeply regret that he had no intention of rebelling. He was inexplicably fascinated with the sorcery of a traitor. Unfortunately, the two young masters who came to the trial today showed no interest in his complaints and directly asked about Wang Chun.

“Wang Chun is a coward who has written many letters to persuade me,” Peng Nian said, gritting his teeth. “He keeps talking nonsense, but ultimately, he wants everything. He deceived me with a lot of money and food, but there wasn’t much movement. It took eight lifetimes of blood and mold to doubt him! Shouchun is wealthy, and what I need the least is money. From the fourth letter to Wang, I sent several batches of money and supplies to Prince Qian’an’s mansion, one after another! All the dogs have been fed!”

“Besides Wang Chun’s letter, have you ever had contact with people from Prince Qian’an’s mansion?” the Third Prince asked.

“Every time I sent someone to deliver the money and supplies, the people over there just take it and leave without even a thank you, the bastards!” Peng Nian said. “This matter can’t be made public, so I had to endure it and comfort myself. They are acting cautiously, but who knows… hmph, a group of soldiers who only eat and don’t move!”

“What Wang Chun asked you to do in the letter is to send money and food to Prince Qian’an’s mansion continuously?” Ling Buyi asked.

“Correct,” Peng Nian said. “At first, I sent it a few times, but when I saw that people who came to collect things from Prince Qian’an’s mansion were rude, I refused to send it again. Until… uh, I was so confused and rebellious that I thought it would be better to have an extra helper, so I sent the two thousand pounds of refined copper that Ma Rong had brought. To my surprise, another mud ox went into the sea, and there was no news. I was defeated and captured, and those bastards of Prince Qian’an’s mansion didn’t move one bit!”

Shaoshang looked up at the pitch-black roof covered in spiderwebs. “Why does it sound like you’re being scammed for money?” she murmured. “Is Prince Qian’an’s mansion that short of spending money?”

“The three armies have not yet moved, and food and supplies have taken the lead,” the Third Prince rebuked. “The cost of marching and fighting is enormous. Prince Qian’an’s mansion has gathered so much money and supplies. Isn’t it a malicious plan? Saying that it’s a scam for money and a lack of spending, isn’t that a case of admitting minor charges and not the major ones?”

“Why are you so angry, Your Highness?” Shaoshang asked. “What I mean is that Prince Qian’an’s mansion lacks the money to spend because of its ulterior motives, and then goes to scam money.”

The Third Prince’s figure froze, and he vigorously swung his long, wide sleeves, turning his head.

Shaoshang rubbed her head. She noticed the similarities between the Third Prince and Royal Uncle. Their anger triggers were strange.

Ling Buyi’s eyes were fixed in contemplation, his handsome eyes were deep and indistinct. “Did you contact Wang Chun after being taken to the Capital?” he asked.

Peng Nian trembled with anger. “This is about the life and death of dozens of people in my family. Naturally, I contacted him. But Wang Chun, the bastard, refused to plead for me and even sent someone to deceive me, saying that as long as I don’t disclose his information, he’ll protect the lives of my family! I saw his ghost and was cheated by him up to this point. How could I believe his bullshit?!”

“Instead, you’ve decided to report Wang Chun to His Majesty,” Ling Buyi said.

Peng Nian sneered. “If I hadn’t lost my mind and wanted to rebel, how could Wang Chun have deceived me? What good are you, Wang? If I kept the secret this time, my family would be in danger of being killed. Instead, I’ll shake everything up, and there is still hope for my family’s women and children!”

Ling Buyi nodded slightly.

“Master Peng is a clever person who can think of this,” the Third Prince stood with his hands behind his back, sneering.

“He’s only a little clever,” Shaoshang said with a smile. “If he were truly clever, he wouldn’t rebel! The gap is like using eggs to strike stones. Even raising a military force is eye-opening for me!”

The Third Prince’s chest heaved slightly. He brushed his sleeves and turned his head to ignore others.

After Ling Buyi questioned Peng Nian, they went to another cell with slightly better conditions. Peng Nian was charged with the major crime of inciting war and causing chaos, and the death penalty was inevitable. Wang Chun’s charges still had some flaws, however. The fat uncle was very clear about it.

As soon as Wang Chun saw Ling Buyi, he wanted to pounce and cry bitterly. He was heavily shackled, unfortunately, one end of the shackles was anchored into the stone wall. All he could do was cry bitterly. While crying and shouting for justice, he repeatedly said that he never colluded with Prince Qian’an’s mansion, let alone wrote those treacherous letters to Peng Nian.

Although the letter was not written by Wang Chun, the person who delivered it was from the Wang family, and he commonly used the seals and codes on the letter. Therefore, Ling Buyi asked Wang Chun how he could explain this.

When he reached the critical point, Wang Chun began to hesitate, his responses becoming evasive and indistinct. Ling Buyi patiently repeated his questions, but Wang Chun remained in tears with a hint of confusion.

“Those who want to die cannot be saved,” the Third Prince said coldly. “Since he is unwilling to say anything, why should we worry about him? When the time comes, you will be punished and beheaded, and your family will be plundered and wiped out!” As he spoke, he waved his sleeve and left.

Wang Chun was so frightened that his soul scattered, and he knelt on the ground, repeatedly pleading for mercy. Shaoshang was feeling hesitant as she watched such a tall and robust man grovel and beg, but the messenger of the Wang family, Wang Chun’s seal, and the habitual secret record could not be denied.

Shaoshang pinched her fingers in her sleeve and carefully calculated, faintly guessing. Her gaze shifted slightly, meeting Ling Buyi’s – she couldn’t help but laugh, knowing in her heart that Ling Buyi also had the same guess. She looked at the Third Prince again and saw a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth, standing calmly and in no rush.

If the Third Prince guessed the inside story, Shaoshang guessed that he probably didn’t care. Whether it was the Wang family or Prince Qian’an’s mansion, what did it have to do with him? It might seem like trouble to him, so it was better to clean it up together.

Even Ling Buyi, after several unsuccessful inquiries, intended to leave. “Since General Wang doesn’t want to reveal the truth, we can’t help anymore,” he said. “Third Highness, why don’t we just…”

“Is it possible to let me have a few words with General Wang?” Shaoshang suddenly spoke up.

The Third Prince immediately raised his eyebrows, and Ling Buyi quickly interjected, “You are from the side of the Empress. If you want to ask anything, ask.”

The Third Prince turned his back with a cold air of displeasure.

“General Wang, to be honest with you, the matter has been involved to this day,” Shaoshang said sincerely, taking a step forward. “It’s impossible for you to come out of this unscathed, much less retain your official rank and power. Managing to save your life and reunite with your family would already be the best outcome possible. Do you think His Majesty will say, ‘Oh, it seems that General Wang didn’t do it. Let’s just let him keep his position of the General of the Chariots and Cavalry while continuing to enjoy his military power!’ Do you think this is possible, General?”

Wang Chun had been greedy for wealth and status for a long time. The delusion in his heart was that his life should also be prosperous and his power strong. Over the years, he had become used to being rescued by Ling Buyi, so he felt lucky and believed that Ling Buyi would continue to take action. When Ling Buyi had turned his head and was about to leave just now, his heart was half-cold.

“You can’t escape the crime of conspiracy and rebellion if you refuse to reveal the truth. Who can take care of the Wang family then?” Shaoshang crouched down and coaxed him slowly. “The Empress once told me that Wen Xiujun only cares about her family and never about her siblings. Poor General Wang’s children, the youngest who is less than three years old, who can they rely on then?” These things weren’t said by the Empress, but by Old Lady Zhai.

The Third Prince slowly turned and looked into Ling Buyi’s eyes, which were full of disapproval – you told the woman in your family everything and even asked her to intervene. This is really inappropriate!

Shaoshang continued to use her acting skills and sighed with pity. “Official rank and power are just fleeting. What matters is life and flesh and blood. Think carefully, General Wang.” It’s useless to reason with people like Wang Chun, they could only be lured by profit.

Wang Chun’s mind began to open up.

That’s right. Although he couldn’t continue to be an official, he still had money. He still had his land and reputation when he returned to his hometown! With the Empress present, the Emperor would not strip away any of his family’s wealth after the punishment was handed down. It was better than having the entire family fall into the hands of his wife after he died. According to his wife’s behavior, it was possible that as soon as he died, she would give the Wang family as compensation to Prince Qian’an’s mansion.

And so, he talked about everything. The details of the confession were meticulous, proactive, and enthusiastic in providing directions for the investigation.

The Third Prince couldn’t help but snort coldly a couple of times while Ling Buyi quickly returned to the palace to consult with the Emperor. After receiving the imperial edict, he immediately surrounded the residence of General Wang, sealing the inside and outside tightly. Afterward, those who should be taken were taken, and those who should be interrogated were interrogated. After half a day of hard work, all the personal and material evidence was obtained.

When the case was clarified, the Empress was able to take action.

She took Wang Ling and several young children from the Wang family out of the mansion and placed them in her separate garden to take care of. When Shaoshang was ordered to deliver something to them, Wang Ling grabbed her hand and anxiously cried, “How could it be my mother? Can it be another mistake?”

Shaoshang parted her fingers and said, “Why don’t you make another poisonous oath and follow what we did a couple of days ago?”

Wang Ling sat down, lost in a daze, without a word.

“Right. Even you, a daughter, don’t dare to make a conclusion. Wen Xiujun stole her husband’s seal and instructed her servants to impersonate General Wang to collude with Peng Nian to build a bridge and pave the way for her younger brother and gather money and supplies. What does she want to do to make the Little Prince Qian’an rebel? Recreate the glory of the past?” Shaoshang had not seen a pure and natural fu di mo in this era for a long time.
[Fu di mo is a term for a woman who devotes herself to supporting her little brother (assisting him with his studies, giving money, etc.)]

“My father and brothers have been imprisoned these days, and my mother was just watching…?” Wang Ling’s face turned pale, her gaze empty, and she didn’t know what she was asking.

Shaoshang looked at her with pity. For a fu di mo, only her maternal brothers were her flesh and blood. Anyone else married or born to her was an outsider.

Wang Ling silently shed tears and turned her gaze to Shaoshang. “His Majesty intends to… what will he do with my mother…?”

Dispose of? How else could he deal with it? Wen Xiujun and the Emperor were from the same clan and a royal background. It was impossible to make a clean break with the Meridian Gate. It would probably either be a piece of white silk or poisonous wine.

For some reason, Shaoshang felt her throat dry, and her heart clouded up.

She couldn’t explain why she felt so uncomfortable.

I really feel bad for Wang Ling.

So, I started to watch Amidst a Snowstorm of Love because of our boy Leo and it’s so good. Then I found out there’s a novel. I swear, I have an entire collection of ‘To Translate’ on Novel Updates…

Next Chapter: Undercurrent

10 responses to “Love Like The Galaxy; Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six”

  1. Binged the show and found a Wattpad of the novel! It’s not a clean translation, but it’s enough to get the sense of the characters and great descriptions of the locations. The novel is way more physical than the show.


  2. Damn. I don’t like Wang Ling, but now I can’t help but feel bad for her cuz her mom’s a fu di mo (I love the extra notes and input!). Learning soooo many things haha. And ohmygosh, the relationship between Shaoshang, 3rd Prince, and Ling Buyi is just tooo funny. There’s a reason why he has similar trigger to Royal Uncle-both of them are the “disapproving in laws” when it comes to Zisheng.

    But 3rd prince may be more hardcore than his father though. Aborting the baby in the last chapter and killing former favored concubine’s family.. I feel bad for the baby- considering 3rd prince’s sense of justice, I figured the baby would be left alone. Did she really commit suicide or was she killed? But he’s so similarly severe like Zisheng (you can see in this ch) instead of a scholar for cultivation it would be effective if he had his own Shaoshang. If Shaoshang wasn’t in Zisheng’s life, I think he would want to completely do away with Peng Nian and Wang Chun like 3rd prince.


  3. That “fu di mo” attitude so well was shown in the drama also with the Empresses cousin ranting only about Qian’an nobility and her brother.

    What a horrible thing to count your children for nothing and despise your husband to a point to use his seal to cause others to rebel. And the guy, who suspects who dunnit can’t say a word, because he would completely lose face!

    2 guys there and only Shaoshang Holmes gets him to confess. (That’s probably why the Emperor sent her).

    Also: Ling Buyi sounds way less bloodthirsty and cruel up to now than in the drama. Curious if we still get to see that side or if it’s not there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading! All I can say about the bloodthirst…. just wait c:


  4. What an easy to read translation, with excellent notes. I’ve binge read all 126 chapters. Eagerly awaiting the rest. Thank you so much for the time and effort…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for the chapter as always Lady Kelpi! Shaoshang delivers again while grumpy Third Prince can only wave his wide sleeves angrily, LOL! Yes, I am a fan of Wu Lei, too, when reading your translations, I can only picture LBY as him and Zhao Lusi is the only Shaoshang possible. In fact, I do like the casting for the drama, down to the benevolent but can be cantekerous emperor and the beautiful and doting ( to Shaoshang) empress. I am also watching Amidst a Snowstorm of love but haven’t got far yet to judge but your opinion of it will spur me on. I am a fan of your translations so I will be cheering you on whatever works you take on next !

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I appreciate your care and thought that you pour into your translation, making it informative and easy to read. When I got to this chapter and had to wait to read on, I searched for other English translation of this novel. Reading them, I had to pause many times to figure out who said what and what was the author of the story really trying to convey. With your translation, I never had that issue. So thank you for making the reading of this novel so pleasurable.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you again for the translation.
    I like Wu Lei too, and tried to watch his other works, but none of them catch up the Ling Buyi in LLTG. I tried to watch Nothing but You but failed to finish due everything in the drama😅. I tried Amid the Snow Storms recently, but felt the story was too cringey and decided to drop it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love Amidst a snowstorm of love and apparently there is a book. If it’s as romantic as the movie it should be good. The show is light and easy to watch after a long day or on weekends. Honestly, the LLTG is way better than the show. I’m happy to read all the historical and cultural references. The references to the sages teachings are awesome, it explains so much about the certain traits in characters or development of the plot. Enjoy it a lot. Thank you for your time to research it all and translate 🙏 😊


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About Me

I am an Asian history graduate who loves to read, watch dramas, and spend time with my fur babies. I am not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, but am amazing at research which helps the translation process.

Love Like the Galaxy: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Kunning Palace: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Minglan: Sunday at 5:00 CST
