Long Time No See

Hi all. How’s it been going?

I’m so sorry for being MIA for the past few months. Life and illness caught up to me and before I knew it, it’s almost June. I have not given up on the translations or this website, I’m just needing more time to get in better health. I can’t give you a specific date, but it will be before fall (I hope).

Thanks for all kind words and well-wishes. ❤


21 responses to “Long Time No See”

  1. Your health is the most important, please rest well. We can wait.


  2. glad to hear from you! Get well soon.💕


  3. It takes the time it takes. Though we greatly missed our “weekly doses” of their story.

    Get well soon. Great to read you again.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Health and wellbeing comes first. We will eagerly but patiently wait for your return!


  5. Thank you for letting us know how you are. Take the time you need and come back to us in full form. We have missed you terribly but knowing that you will be resuming the translations is great news.

    Take good care of yourself and get well soon.


    1. I totally agree with CC, her words express my thoughts so well. Thank you CC! 🤗

      I’m very happy to hear from you, lady Kelpi 🙏 , and that you intend to come back in fall. As a sufferer from chronic fatigue for many years with its lows and highs I can heartfelt sympathise with you. As someone else wrote, when you have the energy again to translate, I will probably start my favourite story “Kunning Palace” again from the beginning 🤓.

      Take your time and get well💆‍♀️. Best wishes 🍀💕🌈


  6. I found your site after thefangirlverdict.com started a group watch of Love Like the Galaxy, and I’ve been enjoying your translation of the novel. Thanks for all that hard work! Of course the hard work of focusing on your health and analog life takes priority. We’ll be here when you get back.


  7. So happy you are better!


  8. you are doing us a great favor with these translations – your health/sanity comes first!


  9. Great to hear from you! Whenever you start posting again will give me a chance to re-read the whole story again, so take your time. Hope you feel better soon!


  10. Great to hear from you! Please take care of your health and thanks for giving us an update. Wishing for your speedy and complete recovery!


  11. Been there, done that, still recovering! While I am always impatient for reading material, I do understand the need to get well. I thoroughly enjoy your translation. Follow medical advice and recover.


  12. So happy to hear from you!!! We have been thinking of you and sending you well wishes and hopes for complete recovery.

    Please take care of yourself! We will be here waiting patiently.

    thank you for all you have done!


  13. Thanks for the update, was worried for you for a hot second.


  14. Great to hear that your health has improved a lot! We will indeed miss the updates on your well-loved translation, but we won’t begrudge you on every second that you would spend on your full recovery. We should always prioritize our health. Will continue to pray for your complete recovery.


  15. so glad to hear from you. I love your translations. Start again when you can.


  16. Hoping for your fast recovery and better health!


  17. Hope for your fast recovery and better health

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Get well soon, Kelpi~


  19. Nilsa Ramos Afanador Avatar
    Nilsa Ramos Afanador

    Missing you! Hope you are doing better!




  20. please take care. Everyone sincerely appreciates your kindness is all the translations you have done.

    if or when you are able to restart we will be grateful, but not at the expense of your health!

    sent you a kofi this week, I hope you rest well.


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About Me

I am an Asian history graduate who loves to read, watch dramas, and spend time with my fur babies. I am not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, but am amazing at research which helps the translation process.

Love Like the Galaxy: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Kunning Palace: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:00 CST
The Story of Minglan: Sunday at 5:00 CST
